Age Discrimination

I am looking for some advice. There is an employee over the age of 50 who may be laid off. What can I do and what should I not do when the time comes?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The biggest thing is make sure that those who are being selected for layoff are being chosen for reasons that aren't discriminatory. And document case this employee does come back with an age complaint, you can point to all the paperwork surrounding it to prove that you didn't do anything wrong. Also, you may want to consider offering the employee a severance package w/ a release if you're woried about an age claim - just make sure you have a lawyer write it because certain things have to be in the release to make it legal.
  • Also, are there other employees being laid off? If so, they should be dispersed among different age groups to avoid the look of age discrimination.
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