Mentoring Programs
We are in the process of designing a new employee orientation and training program and as a part of that we plan to institute a mentoring program for new hires. Does anyone know of any tried and true mentor training programs available that we could bring in house? If any of you have implemented such a program I would greatly appreciate it if you would be willing to share your experiences with me including what you did and how you did it (and anything else that might be helpful). Thank you.
J.A., Massachusetts
The most important thing about a mentoring program is to have all your ducks in a row for the structure and processes of the program. Everything should be in writing, including time frames, reporting milestones, guidelines, contact information, and especially what is expected of both parties in the arrangement.
We ask for volunteer mentors so that they reflect enthusiasm, and we have the new hire meet his or her mentor at orientation.
Have the mentoring partners develop their own clear, actionable goals and how they will measure their achievements. This is important because the partners may have very different expectations of the program. This will also encourage a collaborative style between the parties.
When all aspects of the arrangement are written down, have both parties sign it and keep on file in HR.
We have found that having experienced workers mentor new employees has brought new workers up to speed more quickly in both their jobs and in the company culture, as well as increased our retention rate. Good luck.
Saw this and thought it might help:
Here are some questions that might be helpful before you start:
What are the reasons for developing such a program?
Do you have defined goals?
Do you have the support of top management?
Who is going to manage, coordinate, and oversee the program?
What are the criteria for success?
How will you measure long-term goals such as building trust and communication, foster diversity, or improve career development?
What kind of informal mentoring is already taking place? (Formalizing the program will give the process legitmacy and encouragement)
How will the mentoring program be communicated to employees?
How will employees be motivated to participate?
How will mentors and mentees be paired?
Will training be provided for the mentoring partners?
What kind of ongoing support for the program is planned?
How will success be measured and rewarded?