New EEO-1 Report

I have heard that we aren't required to resurvey our workforce until 2008, although the EEOC is encouraging employers to resurvey. What are other companies doing in 2007?
I have heard that we aren't required to resurvey our workforce until 2008, although the EEOC is encouraging employers to resurvey. What are other companies doing in 2007?
My understanding is that the new form must be used for the September 30, 2007 filing. However, employers are not required to resurvey the workforce for the new race and ethnicity categories until the 2008 reports are filed. I think they are encouraging employers who can to go ahead and resurvey in 2007.
I am wondering though if the new categories for managers and professionals must be used in 2007--I'm assuming this is required in 2007 since it is separate from the resurvey of the workforce. Does anyone know for sure?
I ran a search on BLR's hr website and found an article that says the new categories should be used in 2007--it's found at
It reads in part: "If the employer is not able to fill out the new racial/ethnic categories on the new EEO-1 Form in 2007 without resurveying the workforce, then boxes for the new racial/ethnic categories may be left blank. Please note, however that employers should complete the new EEO-1 data requirements for new manager types, since this information can be determined without resurveying."
Hope this helps!