Benefits eligible?

An employee was hired on 4/2. Was due to start work on 4/9 and called out due to her own serious health condition. Employee worked on 4/10-4/13 (four days). On 4/16 the employee called and said that she was not going to be able to work until after her scheduled surgery of 5/1 plus at least four weeks of recovery. I just received the documentation that confirms this.

Our benefits are set up for 1st of the month following 30 days of employment which would be 6/1.

Is she eligible for her health and other benefits as of 6/1 even though she is out on a personal leave of absence?

How shall I proceed?

Thank you,



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • ChrisVermont,

    Your first post! Welcome to the Forum. :welcome:

    Re your question, I think it's going to depend on what your policy says.

    Four weeks of recovery after a 5/1 surgery should put her back at work on 5/30. What does your leave policy say about eligibility for leave? Does it require employees to have been employed for a specified time before they're eligible for leave? If the employee is not eligible for leave, is she in violation of your attendance policy?

    Not sure if I'm being helpful but I think you have to look at your policies for answers.


    To all Forumites, feel free to chime in here!
  • Welcome to the Forum!!!

    I also believe you need to check with your plan docs. Absent any language stating whether the person needs to be actively working in order to meet eligibility requirements, it is really up to you.

    Most often the answer you'll get back is "It's up to the employer." In those instances, well, it's time to start a precedent :)

    Good luck!
  • What Sharon and Coffee said.... I would also add - check with your insurance provider.
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