US Citizenship Requirement

There is a requirement of US Citizenship for anyone wanting to become a licensed jailer/correctional officer in the State of Texas. Our company requires the TCLEOSE license for all employees who are considered correctional officers at our facilites. How can we legally ask if an applicant is a US Citizen before we waste their time completing the application and going through the interview process? We know we can't discriminate in hiring...but we have to...they must be US Citizens. Any advice?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Assuming your job application is generic for all your jobs (you don't have a specific one for this job): You should make the requirement clear when you advertise for the job, and the application itself (and any signs you have in your organization regarding jobs) should state clearly that [I]some[/I] jobs require US Citizenship.

    Finally, the first question you should ask is if they are able to meet the requirements of the job (making sure they understand what they are). You will still waste your time sometimes, but you will weed out some at the start.

    Have you considered having an application specific for any jobs that have this requirement? You could have a page on top that says it in big letters.

    Good luck!
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