Commuting and Workers Comp

Would love some words of wisdom about whether an employee who is still in the process of commuting to work (still in vehicle) but has an accident in the company parking lot and is eligible for workers comp. This person had not started his work day. He was just arriving to report for work.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Welcome to the forum! I really hate to give this response to your first post, but "it depends". We have discussed parking lot injuries at great length in the past and seem to be equally split as to whether comp applies or not. Best advice I can give is to determine the cause of the accident and speak with both your comp carrier and your general liability carrier. Good luck and keep us posted on the outcome.
  • I agree with Joannie - I've had one parking lot incident be covered, but even then, it was a little fuzzy. How did your employee become injured in his vehicle? Could this possibly be an automotive liability case?
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