Creating Inclusive work environment

What are some actions your companies take to create an inclusive work environment for women, minorities, etc. beyond ensuring the basic legal requirements?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Welcome to the forum rkosnik!

    I write [URL=""]Diversity Insight, a monthly ezine,[/URL] here at M. Lee Smith. You should check it out for ideas and tips for not only promoting diversity in your workplace but dealing with issues that can arise because of diversity in the workplace.

    To start you off, here are two of my favorite tips for fostering a culture of inclusion:

    [*]Have some sort of mentoring program. Partner your newer employees with those who have been around for a while. Show employees that there is a path for growth, advancement, and a long-term relationship with your company. Also, these mentors should be a "safe place" for the newer employees to take any problems they may face (with the work itself or with any sort of personal problem they encounter in your company).
    [*]On a lighter note (and because I love food), if you have employees from diverse backgrounds, have a potluck and encourage employees to bring dishes that others may not have tried before that represent their culture. Food is a wonderful way to get people talking and it's a fun way to build a bond between your workers.
    Specifically, you should check out the post [URL=""]"8 Ways Supervisors Can Foster Diversity"[/URL] on the [URL=""]Diversity Insight blog.[/URL]

    Please keep posting your diversity questions and keep us updated on your diversity efforts (and their results).

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