Warning Report Forms

I am looking for some advise on a warning report form. We want to, of course, keep this legal but what would be the best information to put on the bottom of this report when an employee signs it. Our current form just says, "I have read this report" and then a signature line for the employee. We are revising this form and I would like to know what is the best piece of information that should be put there with the employee's signature. I have gone on the internet and pulled off some samples and all are different so you can see my confusion. What I suggest to my Managers so far is: "I have read this warning report and understand the information that has been discussed with me. Signing this form does not necessarily indicate that I agree with this warning report. Note: This report is to be made part of my official personnel record".

What would be your suggestions?


  • 10 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We use the following:

    If immediate improvement is not shown and maintained, another instance of improper conduct may result in further disciplinary action up to and including termination.

    Supervisor’s Signature

    I acknowledge that I have been informed of this disciplinary action. I understand a copy of this disciplinary action will be placed in my personnel file

    __________________________ ______________
    Employee’s Signature* Date

    *The employee’s signature indicates only that the warning was received. It does not necessarily indicate that the Employee agrees with the contents of the warning.
  • Actually, I like what you already have better. The goal is to get it signed with at least some acknowledgment that they know what it is. The less there is to intimidate them or make them feel like it's a trick, the better.

    Years ago, I had an employee refuse to sign. We had on the form a second line that said "Refused to Sign", with the idea that I would then sign on that line. Instead, the employee signed that line, indicating that they were refusing to sign.

    It offered one of those rare moments of hilarity to follow a corrective discussion.
  • I have only had one occassion where an employee refused to sign a document. I turned it over, wrote "refused to sign" with a line under it and handed it to the employee. The employee signed it without hesitation. :)
  • We have a spot on our warning report that requires the employee to check a box that says if they agree or disagree with the company's statement, and they are allowed to state the reasons why they disagree. They sign that area, and then there is a space for the warning decision (written warning only, probation, etc.) and under that there is a line that says "I have read this warning decision and understand it", and their signature is required there also. I don't think I've ever seen anybody refuse to sign the form, but that is probably because we do allow them the opportunity to disagree with the company's statement about the reason for the warning. It doesn't change the actual warning decision, but most people feel like it is more "fair" because they are allowed to give their side of the situation also.
  • I love it when the employee checks the box indicating they disagree with the warning, but refuses to provide any explanation.
  • And by 'love it' I mean 'want to commit murder'... But I think most of you knew that.
  • You do have a bit of a crazed look in your eye.

    Mental note: do not check ANY boxes while around Frank.
  • In my experience, anybody who has checked the "disagree" box on the warning report is more than happy to provide an explanation of why they disagree...often pages and pages of explanation. Usually it's something like "it wasn't my fault" or "I wasn't properly trained", or my favorite, which was something along the lines of "I know I've made mistakes, but there weren't THAT many and they were only for hundreds of thousands of dollars, so what's the big deal?"
  • We always provide a copy to the employee and include "I have received a copy of this"... It stops a lot of memory lapses a month later when th employee says "I didn't know anything about..."::angryface::
  • MTI - I like what you have in your original question - I think the language is appropriate and succinct.

    We actually get quite a few people who refuse to sign our disciplinary paperwork, and our language is substantually similar to what you posted. However, I beleive it isn't due to poor writing, it's due to poor communication on behalf of those who hold the disciplinary meetings.

    Looks like you're on the right track.
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