Notification re: Benefits

Our agency of 105 employees is in the process of being "taken over" by a larger agency. All employees will be hired by the new agency, so it doesn't sound like WARN applies. But, all benefits will be changing. Is there any kind of notification law that applies to this situation?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Is the new owner actually buying the company, so becoming liable for all of its contracts, debts, etc.? Or, is it an asset purchase and they have agreed to hire the old employees? You probably need to speak to a lawyer to be sure you are in compliance.
  • We're currently a subsidiary of another company that is ditching us. It sounds like they are finally getting their lawyer involved. But we were trying to be on top of this since they've assigned our Executive Director to take care of most things.

    I'll probably never be clear on what kind of transaction this is, but we're basically calling it a "merge". However, the new company is assuming responsibility for debts, assets, etc. and will be hiring all of our employees.
  • It sounds like you just have new ownership, but the company itself did not end business. If that is the case, I would think a new owner can make any changes they want, just like the previous owner can. Employees did not actually lose their jobs, or anything like that. (I am assuming no job changes are being made and no one is having to interview to keep their employment.)

    I don't think you have any issues, but I am do not have vast experience with this. Anyone else have anything to add?
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