Parking Benefits/ADA?

Good afternoon, everyone. In one of our offices, we occupy one floor of an office building. This building has 2 parking lots - management gets parking spots in the lot closest to the building (one of the few perks of mgmt), and employees are expected to park in the lot across the street. We pay a ridiculous sum for each employee to have a spot.

3 employees have requested a parking spot in the mgmt lot - one due to "heart problems," one due to "ambulatory problems associated with pregnancy," and one due to "leg pain." While the leg pain isn't as troublesome, the heart and pregnancy ones could put us in hot water.

We approached building management about getting 3 extra spots in the close lot, and were denied.

I would like to go back to these employees and tell them that we cannot make an accomodation, as building management will not grant our company 3 more spaces in the close lot, and suggest they obtain a temporary or permanent handicap permit if the want to use the lot. Something in my gut tells me this isn't right, but I just can't put my finger on it. Can we do this?

I beg wisdom from you all-knowing HR masters....


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • From the gut...

    You've done as much or more as you have to. It's not your parking lot, and you have no responsibility to the employee in that regard, if I read your post correctly. I think you hit it on the head - the employees need to go through the proper channels and then avail themselves of whatever 'handicapped' parking might be available.
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