Pre-written policies and policy manuals

A colleague who is the exec director of a small non-profit asked for assistance in creating policies and a policy manual. Basically, they need EVERYTHING. By April 15....
My thinking is that they should consider BLR or one of these companies that will provide you pre-written policies and policy manuals.
Anyone here have a recommendation? I checked MLS and they dont seem to offer this product (or I didnt look carefully enough).
My thinking is that they should consider BLR or one of these companies that will provide you pre-written policies and policy manuals.
Anyone here have a recommendation? I checked MLS and they dont seem to offer this product (or I didnt look carefully enough).
You might want to look again. Margaret Morford did have some free sample policies on MLS. I've looked at them several times when updating or developing our policies.
Here is the link: [url][/url]
My concern is that they push through a lot of policies to meet their deadline (3 weeks??) without thinking through the consequences. In that scenario. no policy might be better than something that you really dont want to have to live with.
Aren't policies living documents that can be updated as needs change? If so, then they should be able to address problems as they arise. At least it is a starting point for them.
Tony, do I get brownie points for this post?
There's a link to the policies midway down the main "behind the password" page on HRhero, under the HR Tools heading. The same policies appear on HRlaws. As part of the launch of this new site, Sharon McKnight of our staff has been revisiting the policies and forms we offer.
We've thought about offering additional alternatives for some of the areas. I know when we have made changes in our own company's policies over the years, we have compared policies from several sources - our own, other products we've purchased, SHRM, similar companies, etc. - and massaged the final policy accordingly. Would that be helpful or just confusing?
We'd also love to hear any suggestions for policies we ought to have but don't.
Brad Forrister
VP Content
I have a CD-Rom called Policies Now which helps you create and modify policies. Don't know when I bought it but have never used it. If the non-profit would like to have it I will gladly send it to them, just post their address or I can send it to the same address as the donation. After spending the evening collecting money for my friend's group I know how financially difficult times are right now for those organizations.
Oh and I almost forgot the other really important thing you get with a subscription to the Employment Law Letter. You can participate in the Employers Forum.
Are you having log in issues with the forum or We had thought we had the forum log in issues fixed. Please, anyone who is having any sort of issues, let us know, and we'll do our best to get them fixed. You can e-mail me at [email][/email]
I have a CD-Rom called Policies Now which helps you create and modify policies. Don't know when I bought it but have never used it. If the non-profit would like to have it I will gladly send it to them, just post their address or I can send it to the same address as the donation. After spending the evening collecting money for my friend's group I know how financially difficult times are right now for those organizations.[/QUOTE]
We used Policies Now when we re-did our entire handbook some years ago; it has good basic policies and then you just pick and choose the ones you want to use and personalize them.
If anyone else would like it - along with 'Mandated Benefits', 'The Complete Guide to Human Resources and the Law', '101 Sample Write-ups'... all of which are gathering dust on my shelves, and the list goes on.