New Game - Forum Survivor!

Here is a fun game everyone on the forum can play called "Forum Survivor". The rules are simple - see how long you can stay logged in.
I have found that there are certain buttons and links that if you press them you get "voted off" the forum. These links are cleverly disguised to look just like the other forum links which adds to the fun.
Ok, survivors ready?
Go... uh oh, looks like we just lost Ritaanz!
I have found that there are certain buttons and links that if you press them you get "voted off" the forum. These links are cleverly disguised to look just like the other forum links which adds to the fun.
Ok, survivors ready?
Go... uh oh, looks like we just lost Ritaanz!
Does it log you off after a certain amount of time idle? (Or is that 'idol', as in immunity idol?)
I think you can get booted off for inactivity.
plynnl - we are practically neighbors. How goes thing in Vancouver? Did you hear that Portland may have taken top honors for "Unhappiest City". Thats such a funny thing. I dont see Portland or Portlanders that way. I have always found Portland to be a generally fun, funky, and friendly town.
We usually hit near your area in July for the Smoke at the Ocean in Lincoln City.
I thought maybe it was just us, but I talked with a friend who's lived in Vancouver for several years now and she said she has the same problems driving in Portland.
We usually hit near your area in July for the Smoke at the Ocean in Lincoln City.[/quote]
I had the opportunity to visit Portland recently and really liked the city. But I live in the #1 city for crime, so anywhere is nice by comparison (we ranked 14th unhappiest!).
Who else is still left?
plynnl, I thought the streets were confusing in my town until our visit to Portland two years ago. We have a lot of streets that seem to go nowhere, but the advantage here is that this is a small enough town that if you pick one major landmark, like the ocean or the mountain, and head toward it, you'll end up back where you need to be. One thing I will say, we did see a lot of very pretty neighborhood areas in Portland that we probably wouldn't have seen if we hadn't been lost half the time, and we did stumble upon a mall while trying to find our hotel one evening so that was great for me since I don't think I've ever met a mall I didn't like!
Nice to see your day ends at 11:36 am.
"Tell him what he won, Ed" "Welllll PICB, first off you won a years supply of Rice a Roni, the San Francisco treat."
What else did he win Jo?
I always felt sorry for the poor non-winners (not PC to call them losers) who went home with the Rice a Roni