Wrapped Water Chestnuts

Wrapped Water Chestnuts
1 lb Turkey bacon
2 cans whole water chestnuts (size of tuna cans, in international section)
1 - 8oz Heinz chili sauce
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup Sour cream
Slice bacon into thirds, wrap water chestnuts tightly place on cookie sheet with seam facing down. Bake at 350 until lightly browned about 15 minutes
Mix above in bowl, stir in drained chestnuts. Micro-wave for a couple minutes and you’re done.
Makes approx. 40
1 lb Turkey bacon
2 cans whole water chestnuts (size of tuna cans, in international section)
1 - 8oz Heinz chili sauce
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup Sour cream
Slice bacon into thirds, wrap water chestnuts tightly place on cookie sheet with seam facing down. Bake at 350 until lightly browned about 15 minutes
Mix above in bowl, stir in drained chestnuts. Micro-wave for a couple minutes and you’re done.
Makes approx. 40