Green Beans

I planted green beans this year for the first time and I am in bean heaven. Saturday my SO and I picked all the ripe ones and prepared them for the pot by cleaning, then cutting off the ends and snapping them in two. I had approximately 1.5 pounds of beans so it took a big pot of water. We added 1/2 pond of thick sliced, 100% all the fat included bacon, and boiled until the beans were soft and the bacon was cooked.
Oops, almost forgot to mention the homemade french fries and store bought breaded giant shrimp that went with the beans.
OOOh, I can't wait to get home for the leftovers.
Oops, almost forgot to mention the homemade french fries and store bought breaded giant shrimp that went with the beans.
OOOh, I can't wait to get home for the leftovers.
I do 'em very close to yours. I parboil fresh beans, fry up the bacon with onions, throw it all together and heat through. Good stuff.
So Safety, are you prepared for about 50 of us?
Be there with bells on.
Chick-a-boom, Chick-a-boom, Chick-a-boom-boom-boom
Ask the neighbors over too. There are stories we can tell 'em about our pal Safety.
Cheryl C.
And I wouldn't know what to think if my wife had an old boiler full of (green) butter beans on the stove with a ladle shoved into them and there was not at least seven half-inch slices of bacon in there too. Close your eyes right now and pretend you're lifting the lid off that pot and the pork saturated steam rushes up to your nose.
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
Cheryl C.
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
BTW, the armadillo is migrating North to the great State of Kansas so I may have the opportunity to try it in the fuure.
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
You can try to flavor with anything you want, but eating any type vegetable without some type of good ole pork fat, preferably salted, is like eating cardboard. Country Ham hocks happens to be my flavoring of choice and if they are not available, a large piece of smoked hog jowl works really well.
Been eating like this for 55+ yrs. My last cholesterol count was 165 and my blood pressure was 127 / 75. OH, did I just violate HIPAA???
Turkey and vegetable protein are being made into lots of things that were once only thought of as pork (i.e. turkey/vegetarian pepperoni, ham, bacon, and sausage). It's all in the seasoning anyway...
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
Cheryl C.
Of course it is insane to think that anybody would live 700 0r 800 years or more. It's insane also to argue that one should not eat a certain food product; but, it's especially nutty to assert that somebody lived 800 years.
Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys this year's bounty of summer fresh produce for as long as you can get it!
Cheryl C.
...Don't worry, Friday's comin'...
My garden is my stress relief every evening. It doesn’t matter if I’m watering it, weeding it, picking it or just sipping beer and staring at it. With a union organization attempt ongoing at work I need the stress relief and gardening is better than going out and killing something.