Microwave Chicken Casserole

This is quick, easy, and wonderful.

Boneless chicken - however much you need to feed your bunch. I use a microwave 8x8 baking dish, and use enough chicken to cover the bottom, kind of layered over each other.
1 stick butter (not margerine)
Salt & Pepper
8 oz mushrooms - I use fresh, you could use canned
Canned French Fried Onion Rings
Shredded Mozzarella cheese

Melt butter with at least 1 teaspoon pepper (i use more) and to-taste salt (I use very little). Layer chicken over top, toss to coat, cover with saran. Microwave on high 5 minutes. Move chicken around for even cooking, re-cover, and micro on high for another 5. Move chicken around for even cooking, slice shrooms, layer over chicken, re-cover and micro for another 5. Layer onions over mushrooms, cheese over onions, and micro on a lower power uncovered until cheese is evenly melted. Actually, I usually brown it in the oven to make it look pretty, but you don't have to. Make a side of wild rice (Don's sounds great), salad, and you're good to go.

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