Anyone getting any work done Tuesday AM?

I think its fair to say that alot of people are watching the inauguration while at work. Regardless of who you voted for, its a historic moment for everyone in the United States.


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Can't take my eyes off the TV. As you say, it is an historic event.
  • Looks like it has wrapped up now. I'll catch the talking heads later today. Seems like it went off without a hitch.

    President Obama! Who'd have thought that 2 years ago?
  • The world sure seems brighter today.
  • By 'brighter' do you mean 'sunnier' or 'more intelligent'? x:-/
    The sun is shining here today and it will be almost 60 degrees tomorrow! Yet it snowed yesterday...

    We had to do actual work during the Inauguration. The television in the lobby was turned to the Weather Channel (see above statement about snow) so I missed the whole thing. I was able to view parts later on the web. All very well done in my opinion xclap
  • Honestly, I was getting a little sick of the fawning over Obama yesterday. Some of it was by the media. Here is a headline from CNN yesterday "He Lifted His Hands and Raised A Nation". What? That is a headline?

    Some of it was from my friends who were (in my opinion) over exuberant. They were pointing out how Cheney looked like Mr. Potter from "Its a Wonderful Life" (he was in a wheelchair at the inauguration). Others said how hopeful they feel or how they now want to do community service and make a difference in the world? Huh? One friend even asked on FB "Is it too early to talk about re-electing OBama in four years?" Umm, yeah it is.

    I am supportive of Obama. I hope he is a fantastic leader. I will be praying for him. I hope he is kept safe from harm while he is president. He has a difficult job.

    But some of what I saw was over the top and almost sickening. I am not trying to pick on Frank either. I am glad he feels its a brighter day. We needed a change in leadership. We desperately need some better ideas.

    Ok, I have vented. I feel better.
  • Tell us how you really feel...

    You have friends? I don't believe it

    The nice thing about viewing stuff on the web is you get to pick and choose. .
  • I can't tell you how happy I was when I was watching the news before work this morning and the commentator referred to Bush as "ex-president". At least when I watch Obama speak I don't feel like he's smirking at me or being snide, which was how I always felt about Bush, and I could never watch Bush speak for that reason. For many reasons, he's felt like eight years of fingernails scratching down a chalkboard to me and made me uncharacteristically grumpy whenever politics came up in any discussion, so for the most part I kept my mouth shut about how he & his administration made me feel because I tended to rant on about it if I got started.

    I hope Obama can do well and will be good for the country, although personally he makes me feel old...he's the first president in my lifetime who is younger than I am!
  • I understand that sentiment and I guess 8 years of pent up frustrations is probably part of the exuberance that (in my opinion) has gone over the top.

    I am doing better today. I think the meds kicked in.
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