Damn Right, I Voted!



  • For the record, I don't think everyone who opposes Obama is racist... not by any means.
  • Now reports are beginning to leak out about the conflict and tension inside the Mccain camp between Palin and other staffers. There are reports of tantrums and shopping sprees. I have to wonder how much Mccain really knew about Palin before he made his choice. Given his age and health conditions, choosing his VP should have been a careful process that was fully vetted and researched.

    I think its more evident that the country made the right choice between the two available options.
  • One of the things that has been very evident since the Nixon administration is this: You vote for a president, but you elect a circle of power. Sometimes you have to ask which candidate is more likely to bring in a positive circle... I think most of us can agree that a positive circle probably wouldn't include Dick Cheney and Karl Rove. ;)

    In this case, I trusted them fairly equally until we started learning what a destructive choice Palin was. It made me really question what McCain's circle would look like.

    So far, I think Obama's choice of Chief of Staff is very interesting. I hope it's the start of a positive circle.
  • I too voted for President elect Obama. I believe that I am older than many of you, I campaigned for Bobby Kennedy until the tragedy that took our Country's hope away once again and so soon after the loss of JFK.

    Obama reminds me so much of the Kennedy's, I have hope again for the first time. I know that I would not have the courage that Obama has in accepting this challenge that is global in scope and responsibility.

    McCain is a good man and will be a great resource to Obama - I think that they were both truthful in their respect for one another. This is a chance for our Country to come together and for us to gain the respect that we have lost, particularly in the last eight years.
  • Lets hope your feelings last. I think we are in the honeymoon stage and it may be brief...

    Yep, its over. People are already criticizing Obama for his choice of chief of staff.
  • I like the choice, from what I've read so far. On the other hand, I'm the guy who thought Palin was a brilliant move... for about 3 days.
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