HR Hero Videos on YouTube

Here's the latest news from your friends at HRhero.

HRHero and members of the Employers Counsel Network make their grand debut on YouTube this week with the HRHero Videos channel at [url]

On the HRHeroVideos channel, you can find clips from many of our supervisor and human resources training programs, include the Super Supervisors series, the Confident Supervisor series, the Internal Investigations training course, the sexual harassment training videos for both supervisors and employees, and the 12 Danger Zones series.

You also can see some videos on the lighter side with Delaware Employment Law Letter’s own Molly DiBianca’s series on how to make the most of the blogosphere (complete with stick-figure drawings) and John Phillips’ famous take on the fictional Animal Employment Protection Act.

So check them out, leave comments on the clips, rank them, and share them with your friends. And we also would love to hear your suggestions about other video clips that you would like to see as part of our channel on YouTube.

Although we don’t have a red carpet to roll out, I do want to take a moment to thank the people who made this happen. Holly Jones, managing attorney editor at M. Lee Smith Publishers, initially suggested the idea. Without all the wonderful products created by our own Rachel Agee, we wouldn’t have any good videos to put on our YouTube channel. Vincent Skyers, our web designer, did his magic to make the background look like the colors we use on Pete McPherson of our marketing staff selected many of the clips to be used. And our great staff in IT, especially David Garvey, actually got the videos uploaded. Also, a special thanks to our company’s owner, Dan Oswald, who didn’t laugh when we said we wanted to do this.

So take a few minutes and check it out for yourself, and give us your feedback.



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