Carly Fiorina

I was discouraged to hear that Carly Fiorina is one of Mccain's top advisers. Fiorina was a failure (in my opinion) as CEO of HP. She appeared to be totally clueless of HP's established culture and her style and decisions caused much turmoil. She was finally booted out after five years of decreasing revenue.

Now apparently Fiorina will be a major player in Mccain's campaign. Mark my words, people, she will be doom the man.

There is already a small controversy brewing from statements Fiorina made about health care which put Mccain in an uncomfortable position.

Why is it a person like Fiorina can almost run a huge company into the ground, leave with millions, and then resurface years later to advise a presidential campaign?

Mccain would do better to get his advice from this forum.


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