Happy Mothers' Day!

Hats off to all you Mothers out there! I know nothing can be as soothing, relaxing, and spiritually rewarding as spending it on the HR Hero forum!

Today is a rarity, I believe... I don't remember ever having Mother's Day on Pentecost Sunday. THAT should make for sermon weirdness this morning!


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Well Frank, our pastor spoke on adultery and divorce today. Guess all those mothers in attendance needed it.
  • My kids managed to combine the two this morning... When my wife asked them to empty the dishwasher, they looked at her like she was speaking in tongues. Nothing unusual there, though...
  • I had a lovely mothers day.

    My youngest woke me up early by jumping on the bed yelling "HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!" and gave me my gifts that each of my boys made at school.

    All day, I've been wearing my lovely new necklace: blue plastic cord with a heart pendant made of plaster and painted red.

    Then I spent two hours in the heat pruning my trees and bushes. Actually had some help from my youngest on that too.

    Since I don't think I should have to cook on mothers day, we had McDonald's for dinner.
  • Yes, the sermon at my church was interesting yesterday. The minister actually managed somehow to tie mothers and Pentecost together but I'm still not quite sure how he did it...I was too distracted by the headache I got from the heavy amounts of perfume that my grandchildren had sprayed on some gifts they'd made for me during Sunday School! They made some wonderful things but they smelled so strongly at first it triggered some sort of allergic reaction. Once I got them home and they had a chance to air out, they're fine, and are displayed prominently on my entertainment center.

  • Ah, perfume as the mothers day gift. I imagine that will be one of my gifts in the next year or two! Until then, I shall enjoy my big red heart pendant. It is currently hanging on the bulletin board in the kitchen, right next to my recipe card holder, which has my 8 year old's picture glued on the front.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-13-08 AT 10:23AM (CST)[/font][br][br]HRQ, I think things like your red heart pendant are the best kinds of Mother's Day gifts. That's why I didn't get rid of all the tissue paper flowers and such that my grandkids gave me, even though they were making me sick from the smell!

    I still have stuff my kids made over 30 years ago. One of my favorites is a card my older son made when he was probaby 5, it's a "recipe" for a mom with ingredients like "10 cups of love" and all sorts of other things he thought made up a perfect mom. He died at the age of 24, eleven years ago, and I found that card shortly afterward and it regained a place of honor on the fridge and is still hanging there.
  • I am so sorry to hear about your son. I can't imagine losing a child at any age.

    I have boxes and boxes of the boys' schoolwork. I occasionally try to thin it out a bit, but there are some items I just can't bring myself to get rid of. I definitely will never get rid of any of the holiday related stuff they've made.
  • I had weeded out a lot of old schoolwork and other things when we moved into our house 20 years ago, but especially after I lost my son I was so glad to find a couple of boxes of things that I'd saved. I'd saved some of the strangest stuff, but that's the stuff that means the most to me now. I am such a packrat, every once in a while I'll clean out a closet and find something I'd forgotten I stashed in there from when my boys were little. Sometimes it's stuff they made, and sometimes it's stuff the played with....about six months ago I found a whole box of Smurf toys that belonged to my late son, and my grandson plays with those things for hours on end. I know somewhere his late uncle is smiling about the fact that a new generation is enjoying his old toys!
  • A pack rat after my own heart. And people tell us all that old stuff is useless! Your subconscious somehow knew to save some of that stuff, and it is a good thing you did.

    My brother in law died in 2001, and I still have some of his stuff, like a note pad with his scribblings on it. Amazing how handwriting can remind you of a person.

    Save those Smurfs.
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