El camino del Rey

Don't watch this if you're even a little bit afraid of heights!
If I'm reading you post correctly that is.
I would love to have an early 70s El Camino SS with a big honking 454 in it. Make it black. Then I'd scare little girls putting around in Saturn Vue's blowing off their doors.
Little girls driving Saturn Vues blowing off their doors? Why would a Vue driver blow off her own doors? I think it is YOU who drinks in the mornings, not Jim.
El Caminos and Rancheros are ugly. Nothing can change that: not a cool paint job, not a roaring engine, not even pink flames and turbo doors.
[i]Disclaimer: Ray is my friend. All teasing is good natured, not spiteful. Ray is not actually grumpy. Ray is also not a female impersonator, although I can't blame you for thinking he might just be. Ray usually has good taste in cars. Today I am starting to doubt that, but that is OK, I will get him back in line. He is still my friend, as far as I know, anyway. Price does not include taxes and fees. Patent pending. Supplies are limited.[/i]
Please note that he wore his finest tank top for this photo. Note also the slightly dopey, satisfied smile of a man free from the burden of introspection or employment.
Paul made me say that.
I guess that is what happens when liberals run things.
Its cheaper to be a conservative. A compassionate conservative, thank you very much!
It reminds me of the time I was watching this bungie jumping rig at a festival. When the rather well-built young lady in the tube top got to the front of the line, several men moved into position to verify the notion that the tube top wouldn't hold as well as the bungie cords.
They were right... but they also got to wear her lunch and a half-dozen beers she had ingested.