>Happy Fool's Day, I guess. So what is everyone's best April Fool's trick or >best trick they've been the victim of?
My staff last year called me at home early in the morning, one at the time, to tell me that they could not come in because: they were sick, they had an emergency, the kids were sick, the husband was in the hospital , etcetera, etcetera. I totally fell for it as they expected. When I arrived at work I was frantic!! What a big surprise I had finding most of the staff in my office holding big ballons and displaying mischievous grins shouting" HAPPY FOOL's DAY"!! I will never forgeti it!! Today everything is quiet so far! Marina
Last April 1, I called all of Marina's employees and told them if they pretended to call off work, Marina would submit extra-large raises for them exactly one year later.
>Last April 1, I called all of Marina's employees and told them if they >pretended to call off work, Marina would submit extra-large raises for them >exactly one year later.
Very funnyyyyy. And you know what? Just for the scare they gave me I gave myself a raise!!
>best trick they've been the victim of?
My staff last year called me at home early in the morning, one at the time, to tell me that they could not come in because: they were sick, they had an emergency, the kids were sick, the husband was in the hospital , etcetera, etcetera. I totally fell for it as they expected. When I arrived at work I was frantic!! What a big surprise I had finding most of the staff in my office holding big ballons and displaying mischievous grins shouting" HAPPY FOOL's DAY"!! I will never forgeti it!! Today everything is quiet so far!
>pretended to call off work, Marina would submit extra-large raises for them
>exactly one year later.
Very funnyyyyy. And you know what? Just for the scare they gave me I gave myself a raise!!
I am also having people "remove their shoes" when they enter one of our side offices.
Good times.