Hillary and Spitzer

From a blog....

[i]Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton wants the voters to know that she has the most experience to deal with such a unexpected emergency. Senator Clinton has past the threshold of being qualified to deal with Bimbo Eruptions, from day one. Experience counts. At 3.00am who do you want answering those phone calls from the Red Light Zone.

Hillary Clinton has 35 years of experience dealing with Bimbo Eruptions, and Senator Obama has never even made a speech about them.

Who do you want taking that 3.00AM Red Light call![/i]

OK, HIllary has now proven she is ready for leadership.


  • 10 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Mrs. Spitzer is doing exactly what Hill did with Bill. Bah!

    I think Mr. Spitzer should stand on his own two feet instead on on hers. Leave the lady out of this mess.
  • Good point. Interesting how whenever a politician fails like this the wife is always by his side smiling and showing forgiveness as if to be a role model for the rest of causing us to likewise pronounce our forgiveness so the politician can carry on. Is that normal behavior?
  • After a decade of Republican dominance in this area, I'm glad to see there is still an occasional Democrat willing to risk everything he has for immorality, hypocrisy and just plain ol' bad judgment.

    Of course, he got caught dealing with a female hooker, so he's still not quite up to the GOP level...
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-11-08 AT 09:48AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Yeah, that's right Frank. You go man. Guys like:

    Daniel Inouye
    Gus Savage
    Barney Frank
    Brock Adams
    Bill Clinton

    Oh wait, they were all Democrats and not necessarily in the last decade. Sorry about that.
  • Hillary stood by her man, and to me that was the worst thing she could do. That is when I lost all respect for her. She basically stood as a role model for all women to say that you should take soap from your man so you can get somewhere in the future. I was hugely disappointed in her, and disgusted by the male political pundits who talked about how mature she was.

    But in all honesty, I must admit she would never be where she is today or have any chance at the presidency at all if she had walked away. The world has a long way to go before it can claim justice to any woman or minority.
  • I know what I'm about to say could cause some to call me sexist, but.... Nae, is it possible some of the injustice women receive is their own doing? I don't mean in a case where you might be passed up for a promotion because of a truly sexist boss, but in the grander scheme of things.

    In your first paragraph, you tell about your disappointment and disgust over the Clinton affair, but also admit Hillary put herself in that position. She made a decision, one which caused many women to wonder why. Now we know, she sold her soul to the devil to gain the presidency. But, did she have to? What if she had taken a different path 10 years ago? Maybe she would have gained the respect of more women like you and even more men for taking stronger position and not appearing to condon her husband and so easily forgive him and move on.

    Bottom line, why should I respect Hillary if so many women don't?
  • Gee, Ray... I didn't realize you needed women tell you how to think about things.

    Ladies... Any additional suggestions on how Ray should live his life?
  • Ray, you are right in that women are partly to blame for their place in life. Just look at the number of women who tell you they prefer to work for a man or who will vote for Obama because of sex. Bias affects us all. I can even remember hearing stories of people of color in the 60's turning their backs on those who tried to make things more equal, seeing them as merely people who were stirring things up and causing trouble. Martin Luther King Jr and Chavez have become heros, but not everyone thought so then.

    However, I have to disagree with you on one point. It is inconceivable to me that she would have run for office and been elected for Senator in the first place if she had left Bill. No one in her party would have supported her, and many would just say she failed in her marriage so how can she be trusted to succeed in politics. The only ones of influence who would have supported her would have been rabid feminists, and that would not have significantly improved her chances.

  • Watch it world! I am about to agree with Ray. Ahem. Hill sold out big time. Way back then, the promise was made to her if she would only behave herself. And........she did. She stood there nice and quiet and demure.

    If she had taken the correct action then, she would not have a problem now. Did not trust her after her capitulation then and certainly do not trust her now. How can America expect her to be a strong president when she surrenders so easily.
  • Rita, I knew you'd agree with me. That must have been painful for you to admit to, though.

    Nae, you may be right, but we are merely speculating. She would not have been elected with the supporters she currently has, but may have picked up other supporters in place of them. Who knows. I like to think that not all the Hillary haters are misogynists, but base their opinions on her personality, positions and actions. Many of her detractors are not opposed to a woman president, but opposed to her as president.
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