Early Spring?

It will no doubt be short lived, but it has been in the mid-70's here for the past two days. We went to an outdoor shooting range Sunday afternoon (to practice Gun Control) and we didn't even need a jacket. A week ago today, the high did not get out of the low 20's. Talked with our 401(k) Plan TPA out in Great Bend, KS this morning and they have five inches of snow on the ground and are expecting an addtional three inches today.
Whata mean you don't like the weather here.... just stay a couple days, it'll change.
Whata mean you don't like the weather here.... just stay a couple days, it'll change.
Plus we are just now under a tornado warning.
Ya just gotta luv the weather in these here parts...
May the tailgaters of patience ride your arse relentlessly.
Make sure it's ice cold.
It missed SE Kansas, but sure slammed southern MO.
Hope everyone else has good luck as this storm line continues to move to the north east.
Ray's just mad because I refuse to do his bidding any longer. Even though he was really nice to me when I was his [i]sidekick.[/i]
It was a soft drink developed by a competitor to do battle with Mountain Dew way back when Mountian Dew was still relatively new on the block.
Uh, Q, you probably don't remember Lil Abner either; sorry. But even people from Neb. know about moonshine!!!!
Learn something new every day!!
I do know about moonshine although I've never actually had any. I also know about Lil Abner.
Kick-a-poo joy juice is an awesome name for liquor! My brother used to refer to vodka as "squirrel juice" because it makes people squirrelly.
I agree though, we spend too much time worrying about being PC. It is just that we all have certain terms that bother us. I personally hate the term 'workman's comp.' It is WORKER's comp. x:D
Breaker, Breaker, Good Buddy.
Squaw is also highly offensive. A mountain and highway in Phoenix were renamed because of it. That was also news to me at the time.