

  • 32 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Did you mean to post something Joannie? All I see is the letters IMG] and two boxes with a blue triangle, green ball and red square in them.
  • Ray, darling, all I can tell you is, if you can't see it, you'd better call your IT person.
  • I do, and it's really clever!
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-21-07 AT 11:32AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Nice try, Ray. Just because you don't know how to post pictures, doesn't mean the rest of us don't. That is one skill for which I can thank Paul.

    Besides, who else but you would have that many Mountain Dew cans?

    cnghr - You gotta watch some of these guys. They will try to pull one over on you. Welcome to the forum.
  • LOVE it, joannie. That is fabulous. I always pictured ray as a more traditional Christmas kind of guy, but this is very "ray."
  • I have a feeling I should be offended.
  • Don't be offended Ray, the pictures are a realistic representation of your commitment to the Dew. Actually looks like something you might actually have!!

  • Thanks for the warning and the welcome, joannie!

    I LOVE the Mtn Dew tree...I have a major Diet Coke habit myself, so I may have to start saving up the cans this year and do the same thing with those.
  • But can you pronounce Joannie and is it a male or a female? That is your initiation test.
  • cnghr, Ray will let you in on all the "how to fit in at the Forum" secrets, if you supply him with iced Mt. Dooty every day, and act as his sidekick for a minimum of one full year.

    He's actually a very nice, respectful, and generous Forum boss. Just don't make fun of his red and green plaid pants and purple shoes. He doesn't take kindly to that.
  • Sheesh, there's an initiation test? You guys are a lot tougher than the other boards I've been on!

    Okay, I've been lurking on this forum for a little while before jumping in here and I've assumed the name was pronounced "Jo-Annie" so I'm going to go with that (I also looked at her profile, and I don't think the pronounciation "Jo-Nee" fits the name listed). As for male or female, again, after lurking for a while I've got to assume female. Of course, I've seen the movies "The Crying Game" and "Mrs. Doubtfire" so I understand that assumption could be completely wrong!

    Did I pass the initiation?
  • With flying colors, but hopefully, not Ray's red, green and purple! I love it when we get another highly intelligent forum-ite.
  • cnghr has clearly been doing his/her homework.

    We will be forced to make assumptions about his/her gender, since his/her profile is not activated. That could be fun too.
  • Q, what was the name of that Saturday Night Live skit? You know, the one where they didn't know if the character was a he or a she?
  • Yes! Ok, we'll just call cnghr "Pat" until we figure it out. Besides Pat is easier to type than "cnghr".
  • I'm glad I passed the initiation.

    If you call me Pat it will just confuse me; I normally use at least some part of my real name when I do these kinds of boards so even answering to cnghr is weird.

    Here's a few clues to my gender:

    I love fashion and makeup.
    I change my hair color, length and style on a regular basis.
    I collect handbags and shoes.
    (No, I am NOT RuPaul!)

    Normally I am not easily confused (see my "Pat" comment above) but I'm currently a bit hormonal and that should be the biggest giveaway of all, since I've never heard a GUY confess to being hormonal!

  • Are you located close to the Oregon coast? Or the San Francisco area? If you respond no to both, gender will no longer be questioned.
    As you may have noticed, a couple of us aren't very politically correct.
    I would guess Cindy, Cathy, or Carolyn. Good midlife names.
    And that was not an attempt to be tacky or insulting; it was a screwball compliment!

  • Steaks, Pat is from AK. She does not live in Paul's neighborhood, she lives in the land of ice, snow, penguins, polar bears, and maybe even some moose. At least that's the stereotype. I've never been there, so what do I know?

    People who've never visited the Phoenix area think I live amid cactus and tumbleweed, dodging bullets from the daily wild west shootouts. I did have to pull over once because I was stuck in a tumbleweed storm but that was like a whole decade ago.

    Charro x:D

    Are we warm yet?

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-21-07 AT 07:24PM (CST)[/font][br][br][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-21-07 AT 07:21 PM (CST)[/font]

    I'm not from either place, although the Oregon Coast and San Francisco are two of my very favorite places to vacation. I am in Alaska, and in my area we have lots of bears and eagles and salmon, oh my! But no polar bears, igloos, glaciers, or any of the other sterotypical Alaskan things.

    I had already guessed at the not-very-politically-correct part, and I should fit right in.

    Wow, Allsteaks, you're good...one of the names you mentioned is a nickname for my name (although I don't personally use it).

    And no, I didn't find the "midlife" comment tacky or insulting, I've finally decided to gracefully acknowledge the fact that I am a few years past what's technically considered midlife...unless of course I live to be 104 years old, in which case I'm just hitting middle age.

    I think I'm gonna like it here!
  • Q, my visits to Phoenix were just as you described, tumbleweed, cactus and dodging bullets. Oh, and extreme heat. Everybody wore cowboy hats and boots with 6 shooters at their sides.

    So, is it Cynthia?, you must be about 52. Just a slight bit older than Joannie and a little younger than the superannuated Steaks and me.

    Welcome aboard.....Feel free to make fun of Paul. He is from California and lives in Oregon. That tells you all you need to know about him.
  • I grudgingly accept the title of superannuated cuz it fits, except the ex-hippie part.
    You know I don't believe we have a "Cat" on the forum , so how about even if her name is Cynthia, we call her Cat? Based on her (sorry to keep talking about you instead of to you Cat) location she'll soon be experiencing cabinfever and will feel like a caged cat!! The forum can be one of her outlets like the rest of us. Or it could be a primary form of entertainment like it is for Paul.

  • Until you correct us, Pat, I plan on calling you Charro.

    Coochie, coochie, coochie!

    There, that should get you to tell us your real name. x:D
  • That is definitely scary. I wonder if she moves like Charro?
  • And Q you like Charro better than Cat because....................... Just so people know we don't agree on everything, I'll call her Cat until further information is provided; maybe even after we know her real name...........

  • I think I'll just call her cng. Can I buy a vowel?
  • steaks, as long as she can call you whatever she wants, too. x:D Hey, how's your weather? Sounds like it's still pretty snowy in your general area of the country.

    I like Charro because it is the name most likely to inspire Ms. C to tell us her real name. Or at least activate her profile so we can stop bugging her.

    Maybe Paul will figure out what CNG stands for. I'm still amazed that he found out HRQ stands for Hay River Quilters.

  • Okay, I'm back from my long holiday weekend. Ray guessed my real name and my age (not that I didn't leave some big hints!)

    I could've lived with being called Charro if somebody could grant me half her energy....she's in her 60's and last time I saw her on t.v. she was still moving like she used to.

    I could actually live with being called Cat also (not because of the whole cabin fever/caged cat thing. In this part of Alaska we're not very susceptible to cabin fever, particularly those of us born and raised here. We don't get enough snow to get snowed in, although we do get a LOT of rain but we get that year-round and if we let that stop us from doing things we'd never do anything. We are also far enough south that we don't have the stereotypical super-short Alaskan days like they do up north). I just think Cat is a kind of cute nickname, even though it has nothing at all to do with my name.

    If Paul can figure out what cng stands for, he's pretty darned good.

  • Hey C, you will be lucky if all Paul calls you is Charro or Cat. And what ever he calls you, he probably won't pronounce it properly either. And a word of advice, if you are nice to him, he will follow you around like a lost puppy. But we still luv him.x:D
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