I tried to bring it to Frank's Wage and Hour training luncheon, but nobody wanted it. Being that I am no longer a sidekick, Ray can come get it himself.
Ray, the Mt. Dew is hiding under a maroon embroidered hoodie sweatshirt that is sitting in front of me. Your beverages are nice and toasty.
I posted this on the Bath Tub Test thread, but wanted it here too. "It is certainly ironic that Ray would resurface in a funny farm, but not as an inmate!!! I love it!!" Q may not have missed you but I certainly did. These children are a mess!!!
I received a "heads up" that I was posting again on the forum and was shocked to find that it was apparently so. Shocked because I wasn't posting. It should have been obvious that someone was posting using my screenname, because indubitably I would have returned with much more serious posts. I learned a few things about IP addresses a few years ago when my son worked for a major internet provider, so I used my sleuthing skills to ascertain who was posing as ray a. My first target was Paul, since he emails me continually whining about having to suffer with the likes of a snivelling HRQ and overbearing Joannie. He goes on and and on about how those two women irritate him. So, at least once a week he begs me to come back to help bail him out. But, then I thought that would be too obvious. It very well may be somebody else. Maybe someone in cahoots with him. I checked out Q, but she is too nice and sweet and guileless to do something like this. Then it struck me..... Joannie. Yep. She's the one. She loves to verbally get Paul in a headlock and watch him whimper, so she was able to figure out how to log on with my screenname just as another way to tweak poor Paul. Now that she has acquired this new-found skill, you will never know for sure when "ray a" posts, is really me or is it that wily imposter, Joannie........
That couldn't have been ray. Sure, the poster used a bunch of big fancy schmancy words like ray does, but have you ever seen him post that many words in one sitting before? ray also knows to occasionally pause for a breath or two, then start a new paragraph, or the reader loses interest.
My eyes rolled back in my head after the first few sentences. Something about sleuthing skills.
Couldn't possibly be him.
Joannie isn't very wordy either, so I am at a loss.
With my recent personal changes, I've had to leave work earlier than usual every day. The boys keep me busy at night, so I get caught up in the mornings when they are asleep.
If the original post on the bathtub thread wasn't Ray or the posts on this thread aren't Ray, I want a refund on the nice things I said. But if either or both of the posts really are Ray, then you can keep my positive comments. There is some logic to the real Ray being on this thread because he's making us all think as opposed to the mindless dribble that I and others continue to post. It makes for a good mix! So Ray A., if you really are Ray A., welcome again, I think.
I will have you know I have no problem saying what I want to say. I do not need to hide behind you, or anyone else for that matter. And the only reason you would say that I did that is to draw the attention away from you and Paul for doing exactly that. xx( xx( xx(
You're just trying to be nice to HRQ, 'cause you want her to start bringing you cold Mt. Dew again. Sorry, steaks, but here I go not being politically correct again. Just like a man, disappear for a couple of months and then come back thinking you can pick up right where you left off. hhhmmmpppfff
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-13-07 AT 10:23AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Right now we're having a blizzard here in NY. I'll gladly travel to AZ to pick up those MD's from my friend Q.
Hey Ritaanz... I hear you're working on Hillary's campaign there in Phoenix.
Ray, the Mt. Dew is hiding under a maroon embroidered hoodie sweatshirt that is sitting in front of me. Your beverages are nice and toasty.
"It is certainly ironic that Ray would resurface in a funny farm, but not as an inmate!!! I love it!!"
Q may not have missed you but I certainly did. These children are a mess!!!
My eyes rolled back in my head after the first few sentences. Something about sleuthing skills.
Couldn't possibly be him.
Joannie isn't very wordy either, so I am at a loss.
And, btw, what are you doing up and on the forum so early in the morning?
I'm committed like that.
There is some logic to the real Ray being on this thread because he's making us all think as opposed to the mindless dribble that I and others continue to post. It makes for a good mix!
So Ray A., if you really are Ray A., welcome again, I think.
I will have you know I have no problem saying what I want to say. I do not need to hide behind you, or anyone else for that matter. And the only reason you would say that I did that is to draw the attention away from you and Paul for doing exactly that. xx( xx( xx(
Hey Ritaanz... I hear you're working on Hillary's campaign there in Phoenix.
Lucky for him, I am too nice for my own good.
Fortunately for me, we have Rita and Joannie. They are both quite nice, but don't mind pulling out the big guns when necessary.