Not Thanksgiving jokes

1. I rear-ended another car this morning. I tell you, I knew right then and there that it was going to be a really bad day.
The driver got out of the other car, and wouldn't you know it!
He was a dwarf!! He looked up at me and said, "I am 'Not Happy.'
So I said, "Well, then, which one are you?"
And, that's how the fight started.
2. Two elderly men were sunning themselves on a Miami Beach when they started a friendly conversation.
"I was able to move here to retire in Miami after my business burned to the ground," the one man said. "The insurance payment sure came in handy."
The other replied, "I'm here living from an insurance claim when my factory was flooded out."
The first man pondered for a few seconds and then asked, "How do you start a flood?"
The driver got out of the other car, and wouldn't you know it!
He was a dwarf!! He looked up at me and said, "I am 'Not Happy.'
So I said, "Well, then, which one are you?"
And, that's how the fight started.
2. Two elderly men were sunning themselves on a Miami Beach when they started a friendly conversation.
"I was able to move here to retire in Miami after my business burned to the ground," the one man said. "The insurance payment sure came in handy."
The other replied, "I'm here living from an insurance claim when my factory was flooded out."
The first man pondered for a few seconds and then asked, "How do you start a flood?"
I forwarded the joke to her and said "now I know how to respond when you say that."
She wrote back "Nice, coming from the HR Director." x}>
Ok, here is a problem I am having on a serious note. You all know the show "The Office". Great show. Love the show to death. Can't say enough good things about that show.
Except... if you watch it for any length of time, the phrase "thats what she said" begins popping into your head in very innappropriate situations.
I even confided in an office buddy of mine who is also a young married male and big fan of the show. He is pretty conservative so I was suprised when he said that he too was finding the phrase come to mind.
So far I haven't said it out loud but I am worried that it might slip out.