Soap that!



  • 52 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • That's soaped up. Soap that soap.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-31-07 AT 01:33PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I recently saw on a t-shirt "Soap you, you soaping soap!" Fortunately it was not on one of our emloyees.

    Edit: it also was not on one of our em[b][font color=red]p[/font color][/b]loyees.
  • Paul,
    You are so full of "soap"!

    Well, soap, the Emotion Icon shortcuts link is not working. Soap it.
  • Do you think we could get this post censored by the soaping moderators?

    That would be soaped UP!
  • I'm so glad you posted this Paul....I am so soaping mad right now I could soap. I wish I could soaping tell you why, but it's too long of a soaping story. Just know that if I had a soaping chance in soap to win this argument I don't think I would be so soaping mad. Maybe I just need to stop focusing on this soap and stop doing everyone else's soaping work. Oh, that felt so soaping good...Thanks.
  • PCB, why?

    Maybe my sense of humor is misplaced today, but this is not an appropriate post for this venue.
  • Remember the prime-time sitcom, SOAP ?

    It was on regular TV, not cable. How the soap did they get away with that soap?
  • This venue? You are going to have to explain that.
  • Okay.

    This site
    This place
    This location
    This scene
    This setting
    This spot
    This situation
    This arena

    Shall I go on?
  • Youre serious? You think my post was out of line?
  • Yes dear I am very serious.

    If we want this forum to come back to life we need to recognize that the content needs to greatly improve. This means that the "stuff" we post should be a tad more adult or mature.

    I will be the first one to admit that I enjoy the jokes and the venting of life in HR. That's what this forum is all about. To post something inane demeans the forum and its purpose.

    If you had posted something like, Hillary sucks, then we all would be able to get into a discussion on lollipops.
  • >Yes dear I am very serious.
    >>If you had posted something like, Hillary sucks, then we all would be able to
    >get into a discussion on lollipops.

    Sorry Rita, but you say you're serious and then end with Hillary and lollipops. Are we going to have to re-name you Chicken Little?

  • Sorry Jo but I am as serious as a heart attack.

    What the hell does chicken little mean? Obviously the message I was trying to send was too tactful.

  • Rita, I gave about 1.5 seconds of thought to my post. It was just amusement for me (and maybe HRQ). If it offended or bothered you, I apologize.

    I dont think my post has any positive or negative effect on bringing this forum back to life as you say. That goal can only be accomplished by MLS deciding to invest into this forum in a serious way. I have made suggestions to them but nothing yet has happened.

    The forum interface is outdate. Modern forums are easier to use and have more features. More involvement by MLS staff would be welcome. For example, having an actual attorney offer advice when a legal question has been posted.

    Some contests occassionally would liven things up too. Give prizes for the funniest post or the best advice.

    Everyone I have ever spoken to at MLS is incredibly nice and friendly but I have not felt that this forum is a high priority for them. Maybe I am wrong. I hope so.

    And if it would make you feel better, I will go wash my mouth out with... nevermind.
  • Surprise!!! I strongly disagree with you Paul.

    The forum is about the people that participate not the people that run the site. By definition a forum is a place or institution where questions, ideas or points of interest of public concern are discussed or decided.

    Well, pointing a finger at MLS will not solve the dilemma. They just updated the look for goodness sake.

    Remember that quote, I have seen the enemy and it is us????

    I don't want contests, I want posts of substance.

  • I come to the Har de har har threads to temporarily escape and expect to be lightened up. There are many serious threads on the forum and when I contribute to them I make every attempt to be serious and sometimes even informative. I will intentionally post jokes and responses that have no value or substance other than to possibly bring a smile to someone or invoke some other emotional response. I spend time here because we all have a profession in common so it is an understanding group, but also one that appreciates a good laugh or stimulation outside of HR.
    So I'll still throw my silly stuff out there, and I'll continue to look for humor and non-HR discussions on this thread. And I'll use the other threads when I want to be serious. I don't really have to be challenged or tested all the time; I'm old enough to look for the lighter, non confrontational escape moments.
    That said, I don't want to talk about Hillary right now. But if as ritannz said "Hillary sucks", someone better tell Bill...... that'll get edited...

  • As the subject line implied, Paul's post was silly (read VERY silly), but if he was going to be so this is the place to do it. I come to the forum for subtance too, but this section is for sounding off or light reading. Like Steaks I usually come here to be entertained, not informed.

    Just my 2 cents.

  • I agree with Steaks and Nae - I know what the content of the HR-De-Har-Har section is, and I know that is it "for entertainment uses only." If I'm not in the mood for silliness, I simply do not check this section.

    I think it is important for HR people to have a place to be silly. At my company, I am the ONLY HR person - I cannot vent to anyone, I cannot be silly with anyone, I cannot be unprofessional with anyone - because I am HR and I am expected to behave a certain way in front of the employees. On this forum, we are all in the same boat, and it is relieving to have this outlet to just have fun. Its a sense of cameraderie that you get, even though few of us have physically met.

    Now, I wil agree that when the silly posts find their way into the serious sections, I sometimes find it irritating, but I find those threads are few and far between. On a whole I'd say we forumites do a pretty good job of keeping the fun in this section.

    Keep up the fun, guys (not the fungi). It's a respite I'm thankful for.
  • I am not going to argue with you further Rita.

    Lately, I havent had the energy or time to post in the serious sections much. What little time I have I spend goofing around with Q, Joannie, Nae, Steaks, Coffee, Frank, and the others. Its just goof off time. Like Coffee said, its an outlet.

    You know I am very irreverent. I am sorry it irks you. Just be glad you dont have to live with me.
  • I don't care about contests either. I'm not interested in competing for a t-shirt or a HR Hero coffee mug.

    I do enjoy the occasional "fluff" thread, however. I consider the fluff posts to be a sort of break. It's a nice change of pace from all the seriousness of our day, and a safe place to be silly for a bit, without disrupting the office.

    The fluff threads often morph into something somewhat interesting or useful, like this one suddently has. Sometimes they are just plain stupid (but fun for some of us) and then they die. I ignore the threads that do not interest me.

  • I did not know that we were arguing.

    Just as well. The point I was trying to make is pointless from the comments.
  • >I don't care about contests either. I'm not interested in competing for a
    >t-shirt or a HR Hero coffee mug.

    OK, Pinnochio, who was it that started the Mr. Forum America "Contest"?
  • Good point, Joannie. Q tried to sneak that by everyone.
  • Jo-ann-ie, that is
    completely different. WE
    were in charge of that.

    Contests from H.R.
    Hero, offering stupid
    mugs, don't inspire me.

    x:-p x:-p x:-p
  • Is it just me, or does it seem like Q is rubbing in her ability to use emotcons? ;-)

    Fess up Q. You saved the info on your PC somewhere and are now able to out do us all by using them at will.

    That's ok. This is HRHero after all, and soon our heros will come to our rescue and allow us to be able to emotcon too.

    It could happen.
  • You know, I have never wanted to use an emoticon UNTIL you said we can't. Now I tried to click on them and nothing happens.

    What if a little yellow smiley face with eyes rolling is the best way to express how I feel?

    Speaking of which, what if there was a little bar of soap emoticon? How cool would that be.

    Oh Great Ragee, make it so!
  • Nae is an extremely insightful and astute forumite.

    I think I will maintain an air of mystery about my ability to use smileys for a while. You can just continue to believe I am extremely bright and tech savvy for a little bit longer. I may even pretend I know what a cordless handheld wifi thingie is. xB-)

    I'll clear all this up for you later, but first I want to bask in the glow of your misguided "awe" for a while. x:D

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-02-07 AT 01:10PM (CST)[/font][br][br] >Nae is an extremely insightful and astute forumite.
    >I think I will maintain an air of mystery about my ability to use smileys for
    >a while. You can just continue to believe I am extremely bright and tech
    >savvy for a little bit longer. I may even pretend I know what a cordless
    >handheld wifi thingie is. xB-)
    >I'll clear all this up for you later, but first I want to bask in the glow of
    >your misguided "awe" for a while. x:D


    OK, guys, Q is clever, but I know how she's doing it. She is finding them in other posts, doing a reply to quote, copying the emoticon symbols on the reply, then pasting them into her new post.

    Sorry, Q, but smugness just doesn't become you.

  • Actually, that never occurred to me. That means YOU are extremely clever, ma'am.

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