Generational Differences

I was just having a very interesting conversation with our CFO. He is part of the Baby Boomer generation. I am Gen X. He is upset about the lack of "commitment to the job" he observed from one of our employees, who also happens to be Gen X. The employee is taking 3 weeks of FMLA for the birth of his 3rd child. It happens to be during a busy time for his department. I informed the CFO that it is the ee's right to take this time (and he's using vacation to cover it). His response was that he has a right to influence raises based on this "commitment" or lack thereof. I said that you cannot punish the employee for taking the leave. He replied, "He won't know that." I said that it didn't make it right. He retorted with, "It doesn't make it wrong either." Now I know that if I decide to take what he views as a non-job-commited leave for the birth of a child, my raise will be affected. I will not accept that.
Generational differences never cease to amaze me.
Generational differences never cease to amaze me.
Sorry. It is illegal and therefore wrong. Not being able to prove it is illegal does not make it legal. Just because a cop does not pull you over when you go 65 in a 55 speed zone does not mean that you were not speeding. Please share this with your boss and let him know that a baby boomer is the one who pointed it out to you.
On the generational note: I think the CFO's work ethic is great, however, I don't think he gives much credit to work-life balance. His work is his life and he looks down upon others who don't share his belief. I do my job, and do it well. I do not want to be here from 6:30 AM until 6 PM every day. I want a personal life and don't think I should have to apologize for that.
Such interesting dynamics we're beginning to see in our organization!
In my opinion, the CFO doesn't have much of a personal/family life. What are we all doing here if not to enjoy our loved ones?
Finally, she figured out that its because they don't need to. Gen Xers understand it intuitively. Its part of their DNA.
Probably because they were latchkey kids growing up.
Hey remember when we agreed twice in a row? Good times.