Pick your Limerick

There once was forum-ite named Paul.
His postings were enjoyed by all.
His wisdom was sage,
despite his young age.
With problems on Paul we will call.
His postings were enjoyed by all.
His wisdom was sage,
despite his young age.
With problems on Paul we will call.
They insist we maintain proper decorum.
Tkessler and Celeste
are two of the best.
Let's hope we don't start to bore 'em.
to discuss problems both witty and dry.
They talk lots of soap,
They may act like dopes,
But we're family and that is no lie!
to watch what we say and we do
They gaze from a distance
And express their resistance
To words such as peepee and poo.
There once was a lady named Q
A distributor of Mt Dew
A sidekick to Ray
Until he did say
I am through posting to all of you.
There once was a gent name of Frank
A man of distinction and rank
Not known to make rants
Nor prone to wear pants
Weve wondered just what he had drank.
Of course we can't leave out Jo Ann
Of whom I am her biggest fan
Just don't call her Joanie
Or feed her baloney
Or she will kick you right on your can.
Needcoffee can write like the bard
Though haiku and rhymes can be hard
To see what I mean
Just give her caffeine
Her work she will soon disregard.
for him a moron I did call.
His prose is bright,
I read with delight
It should be enjoyed by one and all.
Until your boss says, "Sarah, Fire 'Em!"
You throw up your hands
And ask Ritaanz
If Jersey can show up with guns.
Do any of you find it odd,
That we are using these poems to applaud?
How nice to hear glee
And those niceties
Instead of "that soaping broad?"
Our language? Clean as the Pope's!
We think we are sly,
With our humor, so wry,
But it's the best way for us to cope.
Is there nothing we won't do
To avoid work
On the forum we lurk
Chatting with Steaks & Dutch2.
Our skills of great prose and rhyme.
Why not do a ghost thread
A story of dread
In limerick fashion - oh my!
Who everyone thought would go far
But the complaints and the issues
And the crying and tissues
Caused him to end up in a bar.
O where O where has gone Ray
Its almost as if he passed away
I think I would miss him
Though I used to diss him
Cept he still e-mails me three times a day.
He lurks when he cannot post.
He [b][i][u]so[/b][/i][/u] wants a Dew,
From old sidekick Q,
He really does miss her the most.
Now it's Friday, after five.
I'm so tired of this jive!
All the whines and complaints,
The "won't's" and the "cain't's"
Will the end [b][u]never[/b][/u] arrive?