Bwana Paul

This is how Paul spent last Friday.
Well, it takes something...
I thought that was why the left hand was so strategically placed.
Good one.
It's really spelled w-e-i-r-d. It doesn't follow any of the rules, in fact, weird is spelled, um, weird.
It is pronounced "we-ird." We. ird. We. That is the sound. Forget the "i before e" rhyme on this word only. Some lunatic approved the spelling of this word.
Hope that explains it. Be ready for the next pageant. I was lenient with "intelligenitally" because your outfit was so cute.
That is my Forum contribution for the week. Back to the hamster wheel that has been my job these past several days.
I recognize poor grammar or structure when I see it but can't explain why it's wrong or tell you the rules. I bet Ray can explain it, though. I can only fix it.
Spelling is something I'm just good at, although I admit "weird" plagued me until just recently. Took me 38 years to come up with that stupid trick to remember how to spell it.
My entire family has an obsession with words, origins of words and phrases, Scrabble, reading, pretty much anything related to words. When the family is together, we regularly stay up 'til the middle of the night, drinking scotch and playing Scrabble or word games.
Remember I am from Nebraska. There's not a heck of a lot else to do for entertainment. That, or we are just freaks.
I come from a scotch drinking family. Grandparents on both sides, parents, me. My brothers think it's nasty, except for after several hours of beer drinking, and the scotch is the only liquor left in the house. x;-) Jeez, I make us sound like a bunch of lushes, don't I?
Got any more family stories, Q?
Have you been stalking us? x;-)
See how this thread has come full circle?
So is anyone in your family named "Sherry" or "Brandy"? How about "Bud"?