Normal: Paul contributes regularly to these threads to keep them exciting. I occasionally add something in an attempt to be witty, but he really carries the weight of the humor world on his shoulders from day to day. Ray's dry humor keeps it in balance.
Not normal: the past few days. Paul was unusually quiet, as was Ray. I felt like I needed to compensate. Fortunately I had some help from Joannie, Nae and NeedsCoffee.
I am ready for naptime with the toddlers. I think I'll go visit one of our schools for a few hours. Darkened room, nap mats and blankets, soft music, and back patting.
You think Paul was quiet? Who was that doing all the complaining when he couldn't contribute to the pageant in any meaningful way? It was sure he couldn't emcee (he was a contestant), and no way would he compliment us on our jobs. All that was left was to rope the other guys in and/or complain. Actually, if you think about it, he did a really good job of being himself.
Joannie and I have decided to leave the dreary HR world. We are going to create our own company. We will conduct games, team builders, contests, etc. at corporate events, and we will charge up the nose for it.
It's ok Q. A 3 day weekend is right around the corner. You'll come back fresh and recharged and wonder why you were so tired...for at least 20 minutes. Promise.
And I hearwith request Q's definition of "normal"; I spend time here because it ain't!!
Not normal: the past few days. Paul was unusually quiet, as was Ray. I felt like I needed to compensate. Fortunately I had some help from Joannie, Nae and NeedsCoffee.
I am ready for naptime with the toddlers. I think I'll go visit one of our schools for a few hours. Darkened room, nap mats and blankets, soft music, and back patting.
See you later.
dddddooooonnnnn''''''ttttt llllleeeeeaaaaavvvveeeee mmmmmmeeeeee aaaaaalllllooooonnnnneeeeee hhhhhheeeeerrrrreeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!
You go Paul!
Joannie and I have decided to leave the dreary HR world. We are going to create our own company. We will conduct games, team builders, contests, etc. at corporate events, and we will charge up the nose for it.
Just as soon as I finish my nap.
Who's coming with?
Is that a real cliche or did I just make that up?
I am getting delirious.
Naaaaaptiiiiiiiime. ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
I'll be as old as Paul, then.