Mr. Forum America

Let's start with our first contestant.
Paul hails from Cannon Beach, OR, and is wearing a lovely ice-blue sequined Speedo, with matching ice-blue sequined Manolo Blahniks.
Paul, the first category is "Spelling."
Please spell "intelligentally." No, you may not remove your stillettos for this portion of the competition. And stop fidgeting.
Paul hails from Cannon Beach, OR, and is wearing a lovely ice-blue sequined Speedo, with matching ice-blue sequined Manolo Blahniks.
Paul, the first category is "Spelling."
Please spell "intelligentally." No, you may not remove your stillettos for this portion of the competition. And stop fidgeting.
Don't throw it all away now.
Please spell "intelligentally" or forfeit this round.
Back to my co-host, Joannie. Joannie, please call on our next contestant.
If you could be a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
Take your time.
Outstanding choice, Ray! And very humble of you to wear the trenchcoat so as not to embarass our other contestants.
Nae, he may just deserve an extra half-point for his cleverosity with this answer.
While he's pondering, here's allsteaks' question:
Rare, medium, or well done? And why? Explain how your choice benefits the poor mapless people in Iraq and South America.
Ray has chosen to pass on this portion of the competition. The tree question really threw him, however he feels he can make up for lost points in the talent competition. He's warming up his trombone and tap shoes right now.
Joannie, please announce the next contestant.
Missouri is known as the "Show Me State." Show me [i][b][font color=blue]what[/font][/b][/i]?
Note: Pageant rules dictate that conjoined twins both participate in the answer.
Here is what I have so far:
Ice blue sequins on a speedo really make an impression (though I am not saying what kind). I give him a 10 for his costume. Though his personality shows up strongly in his answer to the question, I am afraid his spelling, in spite of his efforts, brings him back down again. He gets a 7. Total so far: 17 out of 20 (P.S.: Speedos can be dangerous. He nearly exposed himself while checking his parts. The fact that he didn’t is what helped him keep his 10.)
We could hardly see the red biker shorts under the trenchcoat. Ray was very trenchant about his trenchcoat though, so I am giving him a few points to offset the cover-up. He gets a 7 for his costume. I find the answer to his question a bit disturbing. I can make the connection to his love of his horn (don’t go there), but since the American Hornbeam requires very moist soil (they thrive in swamps) I have to wonder how he can manage one in NY. Wait. I am beginning to get the true picture of why he wears a trenchcoat, and it is not pretty. Still, I'll give him 8 points for his answer. It really fits him. Total so far: 15 out of 20.
He looks simply mah-va-les in his leather and lace with the Holstein print. However, I have to decrease his points due to all the scratching he is doing. It keeps disarranging things. Costume score: 8. Judging contestants on the question portion is not hard at all when they make their answers as clear as Allsteaks did. Way to go Steaks! I am giving you a 10. Total so far: 18 out of 20.
The Twins
They had so much going on with the costume until they put their socks on. Silly boys! They should have been red! Costume score: 7. I can’t wait to hear the question and their answer so we can see how they compare to our other contestants.
To be continued…..
While we are waiting on my esteemed colleague, HRQ, to ask the twins their questions, I will introduce the next contestant.
Coming down the runway now encircled by a tiara of 10,000 butterflies is Larry from Minnesota. His pastel gown in 10,000 shades of blue covered by 10,000 sequins is enchanting. Oh look, his matching satin pumps are peeking out from 10,000 layers of chiffon. What a breath taking sight.
Didn't you see the picture Paul posted?
Waiting to hear Dutch's contribution... No poits are given until the question is answered by both halves of the contestant.
>this bustier He claims that it both lifts and
I believe it should be worn ABOVE THE WAIST.