I skipped past the show while channel surfing this weekend, but did anybody catch this part?

I realize public speaking is difficult, especially for a teenager wearing a formal gown and stillettos, but goodness gracious, what is wrong with her? Did she even listen to the question?
"I like turtles."
Her statement wandered aimlessly, kind of like a hiker when he's nearing the Everest Summit, and his brain is suffering from oxygen deficiency, except unlike the other hikers, this one's hair is carefully bleached and straightened and his makeup is carefully applied and he is wearing a formal beaded gown and stillettos.
Actually, the "map" question was a stupid question in the first place.
I wonder what kind of answer would have made people say "By gosh, she's RIGHT! She's one smart cookie!"
I can't open the link at work; is this the girl that was asked how many people can find the U.S. on a map?
Perfume girl at the department store
WalMart greeter
Beauty Pageant Contestant (but with someone else's answers dubbed over her own)
Edit: "Why am I being so mean?" I just asked myself. This is someone's daughter who has worked very hard to get to this point in her Pageantry career. Maybe she'll learn from this. If you don't know the answer, then PAUSE before speaking. STOP THE WORD VOMIT and give your brightest smile when you are stuck.
THEN I watched it on YouTube and was struck by her smug self-confidence. You could tell this is how she talks about any subject whether she knows anything or not.
She has spent her whole life getting a free ride because she is a hot blonde and has never had to develop brains or a personality.
This is not a young lady to feel sorry for. Even if you are a US American.
And the fact that girls like her wouldnt give me the time of day back in high school has nothing to do with why I feel so strongly about this.
I watched the swimsuit part for about 30 seconds, then moved on. I did NOT look like that at age 18, nor did any of my friends.
Did anyone actually watch the whole show? Just curious.
Maybe I am wrong but she looks like someone who never paid attention to her school work because she knew she was hot.
Why bother studying US American history when you are hot?