Hillary's Legacy

From Townhall.com....
[i]Washington, DC – September 11, 2012 – Today, President Hillary Clinton received the following joint communiqué from the leadership of Al Qaida, Hezbollah, and Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez: “Because your policies so easily allowed us to reconstitute our powers and infiltrate your pathetically porous borders, we have hidden three nuclear weapons in three major American cities. If you try to find them, we will set them off. If you do not give in to our demand, we will set them off. Our demand? That you surrender your nation to us or suffer the loss of millions of Americans. There will be no negotiation.”
Washington, DC – September 12, 2012 – Today, President Hillary Clinton surrendered the United States of America to terrorists.[/i]
How's the writer's crystal ball? Fact or fiction?
[i]Washington, DC – September 11, 2012 – Today, President Hillary Clinton received the following joint communiqué from the leadership of Al Qaida, Hezbollah, and Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez: “Because your policies so easily allowed us to reconstitute our powers and infiltrate your pathetically porous borders, we have hidden three nuclear weapons in three major American cities. If you try to find them, we will set them off. If you do not give in to our demand, we will set them off. Our demand? That you surrender your nation to us or suffer the loss of millions of Americans. There will be no negotiation.”
Washington, DC – September 12, 2012 – Today, President Hillary Clinton surrendered the United States of America to terrorists.[/i]
How's the writer's crystal ball? Fact or fiction?
Hillary is certainly smart and often effective. What bothers me is the constant feeling I get that she is pretending to be one of us.
And by one of us, I mean one of us humans.
Ain't politics grand?
What is scary is that when witch hill ran for the NY Senate, everyone said she would lose big time. Now look what happened.
It is a good tag for her to wear.
Isn't that the true democrat's position? "As long as it is somebody else's wealth. Don't touch mine."
Its no fun if we all agree.
I have a follow up. What would be your "dream ticket"?
p.s. Your profile says you are in Vancouver, Washington. Neighbor!!!
I am doing some research, and I don't have a dream ticket yet. I do like Obama and I am not total against Hilary, just now sure how she would do in the general election.
If a Republican candidate piqued my interest, I would have no problem voting for him/her.
Yes Paul, I am a neighbor, but apparently from the "liberal" metropolitan area. I do love Cannon Beach and all the surrounding beach areas.
Right now, I am giving Romney a close look. I think Guiliani is interesting but I am not convinced he has what it takes on a national scale.
Obama is in over his head. Thats my opinion. In some ways, I would prefer Hillary over Obama.
Whatever party the next president is from, I pray he or she is a problem solver and good communicator.
Question: Is that a swipe at Hillary?