I Like Turtles

The web phenomenon "I Like Turtles" was spawned right here in Portland.

Check out: [url]

I have watched this twenty times or so. I dont know why its so funny to me. Maybe its the way the reporter doesnt know how to react to the kids statement.


  • 92 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Paul, is it you in make up??? He certainly looks just like you. Perhaps that's why you are enjoying this so much. Vanity.
  • The poor lady just had to move on.

    Did you listen to the "I like turtles" song? The turtle has a new friend on the stove top.

    My five year old says off the wall stuff. He likes words like macaroni, bootie, potato, and broccoli. Too difficult to to explain, other than he just spouts out those words for no particular reason. Maybe it's Teurret's (sp?), but without the swearing.
  • No that isnt me although the vacant stare and random expressions do fit the bill.

    Apparently, young Johnathan the internet celebrity was at a turtle exhibit just before the news reporter asked him how he was doing.

    I was hoping you would watch it HRQ because I thought it might be something you would enjoy.

    My daughter uses the word "Ginormous" and that always cracks me up.

  • AJ, my five-year-old, liked to say "Macaroni Bootie!" for no apparent reason. A friend and I have a Macaroni Grill addiction and she said that's a good nickname for her bootie. She believes she may have developed it by our frequent visits.

    We now refer to it as MBG, or "Macaroni Bootie Grill."
  • Me and my two girls refer to our vet Dr. Remensnyder as "Dr. Hampstersniffer". My only fear is that we do it so much one day we will call him that to his face.
  • Why do I know that name? (Hampstersniffer)

    There are worse names you could accidentally call someone. Like Macaroni Bootie.
  • I think HampsterSniffer came from a post on this website about how you can create your own new name by taking the initials of your name and assigning them a new word from a list.

    Do you recall that?

    Maybe it was your post.

    I dont know about you but the heat is cutting into my productivity. I would fight it but that would further drain what little energy I have today.

    Better go watch "I Like Turtles" again.
  • Oooohhh, that came from Captain Underpants. I had a name too, but I don't remember what it was. Probably "Snarky FactForgettor" or something like that.

    I am on vacation all next week, and will do my darndest not to touch a computer while I'm there, so I am pushing full steam ahead this week.

    I haven't seen my seven year old in nearly three weeks. I am counting the days.

    Took AJ to see Transformers on Sunday. He's enjoying being an only child, if only temporarily. Some parts were too scary for him but otherwise it was pretty enjoyable. It's amazing how real the computer generated stuff is these days, and the Transformers (the good guys, anyway) had pretty believable personalities.
  • I did not see the movie, but my boys really enjoyed Transformers too. They had a bunch of transformer toys back 10-12 years ago that they can remember playing with. It was a long moive, over two hours.
  • AJ was mesmerized for the whole 2 1/2 hours, except for one trip to the bathroom, and he rushed right back.

    The special effects are amazing. They managed to make 30' tall robots look real. I was expecting to just tolerate the movie, but actually enjoyed a lot of it. The Autobots (good guys) are smart alecks.

    I actually felt bad when Bumblebee almost... Well, I don't want to spoil it for you. x;-)

  • Hey Paul, I just heard on the radio that Webster's is adding "ginormous" to the dictionary.
  • I heard that too and told my daughter. She thought that was cool.

    Have they added "Strategery" yet?
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-11-07 AT 08:42AM (CST)[/font][br][br]They added sudoku and speed date
  • This has nothing to do with anything, really, but last night I looked up the origin of the words quarter, dime, nickel and penny.

    Quarter and nickel were fairly obvious, but dime and penny I was curious about.

    Anyone wanna take a wild guess how the words dime and penny originated?


    Also looked up the word penguin.

    I was on the phone with my mom while researching penny and tripped over penguin. She collects penguins. I don't remember the language, but the word "pen" means head" and "gwin" means white. Penguin was used to describe another type of bird that was known for the white spots on its head. For some unknown reason, explorers discovered the tuxedoed birds and decided to call them penguin.

    I wonder if the people who write these books make this stuff up.

    I do that when answering questions to which I do not know the answer. Just make it really convoluted, and the questioner either gives up, or actually believes you because of the amount of thought put into the answer. x;-)
  • My young bride did the same thing to our 15 year old, aspiring writer, last night. We were having dinner and he asked where the expression "OK" originated. Without hesitation she said it comes form, and then spouted out two made up words that started with O & K and sounded something like Latin. Our son belived everyword, until she started to smile and softly laugh under her breath and added if you act like you know what you are doing, people will follow along.
  • I dont know the origin of dime or penny but I do know that the origin of "OK" is HOTLY debated.

    So, Q, are you going to explain dime and penny or do I need to Google it?

    Here is my guess on the origin of the term "penny".

    A guy opened up a "Penny Arcade" and then he realized he needed a name for the copper coins with Lincolns head on them that you used to feed the arcade games so he called them "Pennies"?

  • I want to see what you come up with for dime first. I kinda like your explanation for penny. I like it better than the one in the book.

    I'll look up OK tonight, if I happen to remember.
  • Your wife is a very wise woman, Dutch.
  • According to my book O.K. comes from one of Martin Van Buren's nicknames, Old Kinderhook.

    ...a group in New York formed the Democratic O.K. Club taking their initials from "Old Kinderhook." These mystifying initials, appealing to man's love of being on the inside of events, became a sort of rallying cry for the Democrats. The mysterious battle-cry spread rapidly and soon acquired the meaning "all right, correct," probably because "Old Kinderhood," or O.K., was all right, correct to his supporters.

    That's the short answer for OK. It actually drones on and on and on and on and on.

  • Dime. Dymes - the word's origin from the Latin decema, "a 10th part" were originally the tithe, or 10th, of one's income paid as a tax to hte church by temporal rulers. Chaucer so used the word in 1362 and it was not employed in its present sens - for a US coin representing 1/20 of a dollar - until 1786.
  • penny. Penny is probably from an Anglo-Saxon word related to the German Pfenning, though it may derive from the name of Penda, an early Mercian king. Pennies were originally called "coppers" in England, having been made of copper from 1797 to 1860 (before that they were made of silver).

    My research is done for the day. Two more days 'til I go on vacation, and I have way more than two days worth of stuff that needs to get done. x:-)
  • HRQ doesn't even need other people to carry on a conversation.

    In fact, do we even exist?

  • Paul, leave Q alone. She's delirious because she gets to see her 7 year old whom she hasn't seen in three weeks. I'm suprised her fingers can still find the right keys to strike on her keyboard. She'll be this same way again, about 3 weeks after he comes home, only then it will because she misses the peace and quiet at home.
  • I'm the youngest child of three and the only girl. I learned to entertain myself at an early age, which included conversations with myself or with my stuffed animals.

    I'm not offended in the very least when people make fun of me. Developed the thick skin while growing up with big brothers. Well, I developed the ability to convince myself I don't care, anyway.

    In 47 hours, my husband, my 5 year old and I will be on an airplane heading to Omaha. It's AJ's first flight, and he's especially excited. x:D

  • Q,
    Let me be the first to tell you to enjoy your vacation next week and not to worry about all of us here on the Forum. We'll be working our little fingers to the bone while you are off galavanting around.x0:)
  • I will do my best to avoid working. There is one project that has got to be complete before I return and there's no way it's gonna get done before tomorrow night. It's not something I can pawn off on others either.

    I could just claim that I got it done, but blame Paul for ruining it. Everything is always his fault anyway. I sorta see him like a brother, and I always blamed my brothers for stuff anyway. Yet another joy of being the only girl...

    My 7 year old emails me almost every day. An excerpt;

    dear mom
    i love you so so much
    love michaelb.

    He's used to being one of many Michaels at school so he automatically introduces himself and prints his name with a last initial.

    There's another Lori here at the office who's been around longer than me. She gets to be "Lori" and I get to be "Lori B."

    What was I saying about having too much to do? Time to stop prattling and get back to work.

  • I kind of see you as a female version of me which may or may not be a compliment depending on who you ask.

    Have a great vacation! Hurry back. We'll be right here.
  • Q... if I were you I'd be highly offended by Paul's assertion that you and he are alike.
  • Paul - lives near water and fog
    Q - lives in the desert

    Paul - has two young daughters
    Q - has two young sons

    Paul - has a wifi
    Q - still doesn't quite understand what that is

    Paul - knows how to post pictures on the forum
    Q - doesn't

    Paul - visits the other side and pokes people for his own entertainment
    Q - researches origins of words and then talks to herself about them for her own entertainment

    Paul - 37 but acts 17
    Q - 37 but acts 57

    Yes, I can see the similarities. x;-)
  • Ray,
    After reading Q's list, it sounds like PCB & HRQ might be yin and yang. What do you think?
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