The 2000 Club

I just realized that recently I became a member of the "2000 Post Club". Ritanz is just a few posts away.
Ray is a member of the 4000 Club. I think he is the only member.
Ray is a member of the 4000 Club. I think he is the only member.
Does anyone else find it somewhat intriguing that Don had over 10,000 posts before he left? Did he really have a job?
Let's see. If you post 10 times a day, Monday through Friday, It will only take you 23 weeks to cross the 2000 line. Very very do-able.
1,000 posts earns you a logo coffee mug from M Lee Smith and a visit to their offices to help stuff mugs into boxes using bubble wrap.
During my visit, James gave me a tour of the coffee mug sculptures. I was particularly impressed by the mug-fountain in the lobby.
Maybe you should hit Paul in the head (since he was the one that started this thread) to get his attention and explain that to him.
Occasionally I have something serious and/or meaningful to say, but am often beat to the punch by other more productive members.
I bop Paul on the head all the time. He just won't admit to getting beat up by a girl.
OK! One....
I don't feel sorry for him. I pointed out to him that he's lucky to have survived this long without one of them leaving a flaming bag of dog poo on his front step. Like a small child, he pokes them, then laughs maniacally while waiting for their reaction.
If he put that much energy into our new HR kit company, we'd be making a profit by now. He's trying to blame me for our losses.
I might have to ask allsteaks to reassign Paul to another department. Being a founding member of our company, I suppose he deserves something for his efforts. Maybe I'll put him in charge of the now-unstaffed glitter department.
I know you want to participate on both boards but I know, that you know, The Don will not allow you there. So why bother?
However, these are usually adolescents who are unconsciously seeking help because of their mental condition.
Paul, need I point out to you that you are:
a. not an adolescent anymore
b. going to the wrong place for help
c. asking strangers to inflict pain
d. it is not a hobby, it is called absurdity
How much longer before you realize that your endeavor is mission impossible.
Sigh. I give up. Unconditional surrender.
Paul is a mammering motley-minded hugger-mugger.
allsteaks is a fobbing fat-kidneyed dewberry.
ray, he's my favorite. I won't call him any names today.
Those special words were inspired by a conversation with ray many many moons ago. He'll know what I'm talking about.
Maybe we should call you hamberger from now on.
Anyway, since Q brought up Arizona girls, CONGRATULATIONS to the AZ Women's Softball team for winning the national championship last night! It was a good game and your pitcher was super.
So see I can be serious some times....
when challenged....
HRQ - approaching 1500 posts
Dutch2 - approaching 1000 posts
If you have ever passed a milestone, you know what an experience that can be.