Men Rule

I mean, come on, we do.
There has been alot of male bashing on this forum lately and things needed to be set right.
There has been alot of male bashing on this forum lately and things needed to be set right.
Lets try this again.
You get a bunch of guys together and what do you get: civilization, progress, (the occassional war), machines, sports, advancement
You get a bunch of women together and what do you get: The View
>really get the hive humming with a post like
Sorry, Paul. I was still on another thread thinking about Missk's 14" biceps. I sure hope she doesn't track you down and hurt you, I've been enjoying your posts.
Speaking of the view, Rosie O Donnell has apparently stormed off, trashed her dressing room, and wont come back to "The View".
The guys on Monday Night Football never bicker with eachother or throw on air tantrums.
Score one more for the men.
At least men aren't catty. I have two girls of my own and I am amazed at how complex and catty their relationships can be and how early it starts.
I was still eating paste at the age when these girls start creating formalized alliances.
I've never watched The View. I have a job that keeps me busy during the day. You must be watching it on your little hand held cordless wifi thingie, with a serious look on your face so everyone thinks you are working.
Disclaimer: I love Paul in a platonic brother/sister kind of way. Just feel compelled to give him crap BECAUSE he's acting like my brothers did when they were 10.
I promise. I am a huge fan of the weaker sex. I live with three of them and a formerly male cat.
Pffbbbttt. 8-|
Actually, I should be nice to you. At least you know how to use a vacuum cleaner.
By the way, your comment to me about causing trouble "over yonder" was noticed by the Ones We Never Speak Of.
So are they plotting the "flaming bag of dog poo" revenge I anticipated?
Speaking of which, check out [url][/url]
I am now convinced. Beyond a shadow of any doubt, absolutely, positively assured that you are totally, completely too dense to understand any rational answer to this post.
Call it dense. Call it stubborn.
I saw your post on the Faaaar Side about paint balls as well, and have come to realize that you need help.
Yep, Paul's reputation would soar. x}>