Computer Clocks

Granted this wasn't the Y2K Bug, but we do have several computers scrattered around that for some rasons refuse to accept the new day light savings time; of course mine is one of them. As far as I know other than the nuisance of a few pc's with the wrong time everything of any vital importance seems to be working fine.
Ray, is getting accustomed to Day light savings time more difficult for folks that live in the eastern time zone? All I know is 5:00 A.M. sure seemed to come early this morning.
Ray, is getting accustomed to Day light savings time more difficult for folks that live in the eastern time zone? All I know is 5:00 A.M. sure seemed to come early this morning.
Fortunately our PCs changed time but our security system wouldn't let anyone in the building this morning so I had to reset everything otherwise we would have to wait another couple of weeks for it to change to the correct time.
In my opinion this was worse the Y2K.
I love it when folks do their job.
But then, I was impressed when it changed to mountain time all by itself when I crossed over the Idaho border a couple of weeks ago.
I will pretty much look to my cell phone for direction now in these uncertain times.
Hm...maybe I should start a "grammatical pet peeve of the week." Stay tuned for next week's installment: 'Use of the word "Literally."'
This post is brought to you by the letters "d", "s", and "t" and by the number "pi".
Oh, and happy birthday to 3.1416, or it's other nickname, C/D.
Hee hee hee, Steve (Cup) said anal.
>Hee hee hee, Steve (Cup) said anal.
I had an assistant who justified all her annoying behavior by reminding us that she was anal.
I finally got fed up with hearing it, and reminded her there's a fine line between "anal" and "rectal".
We get along great now.
Depending on where I am sitting, the time at my desk varies up to 10 minutes. When I look at my cell phone, it's five minutes later than my computer. When I look at my computer, it's five minutes later than when I look at my desk phone. Maybe I just have lots of tiny little time zones right here in my office.
By the way, it's warm and sunny in Tempe. I realize nobody asked. Just thought I'd mention it.
>We don't have daylight saving(s) time in AZ.
>Nope, never have to change our clocks.
From what I've seen, there's not much need to change your calendar there, either.