For those snarky days...

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-08-07 AT 04:12PM (CST)[/font][br][br]This free demo has kept me entertained for days.

My assistant and I joked about setting up our services online: open enrollment, payroll, etc. That way, we could have the "talking lady" respond with what we sometimes WISH we could say;
- What is the MATTER with you people?
- Do you not READ things before you sign them?
- See all those blanks I hilighted for you? That means you are supposed to WRITE something in them.
And so on...

Yes, I sound mean. We are feeling rather snarky while working through the aftermath Open Enrollment. (3/1 in our company) It'll be over soon.

Forum police: not sure if this is OK to post since it's a website selling services... Feel free to delete it if it's not OK. x:-)

Edit: I mentioned the other day that I lost my mind long ago. This is clear evidence. I forgot to paste the link. Here it is;

If you move your pointer around, her eyes follow it. It's especially funny if you make her eyes go around in circles. x:D I also like to make her talk with different accents.


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Since there's no link, I'm assuming it got deleted?
  • I feel that way a lot!! Since we got an intranet, I start every answer with, "Did you read my memo on the intranet?" When they reply in the negative, I go right over to their computer and pull it up for them :)

    You know what else bugs the crap out of me? When you ask people to RSVP to something and they don't do it!! RSVP means tell me if your attending or not; it does not mean wait until I call to see if you'll be coming; it does not mean only tell me if you are coming (that would be RSVP regrets only). DUH!!

    Thanks for listening to my rant.
  • Wow.. I could have a lot of fun with this. Especially with April 1st coming up. Great link!

    I tried the line "Dont think of it as being fired. Look at this as an involuntary transitional phase of your employment."

    "What part of stupid do you not understand?" translated well with the appropriate hint of condescension.

    I tried to get the avatar to say "You are FIIIIRRRREEeeeDUH!" like Mr. Flub in the Cat in the hat but ran out of time before the trial mode ended.

    So how do I get more trials? Do they have any avatars that look and sound like Ray A?

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-11-07 AT 10:42AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Friday was a particularly frustrating day, with people doing lots of frustrating, absurd things. I had the guy with the English accent say "Oh, for God's sake!" many times. Just funnier with the English accent.

    I have timed-out many times. Just close the window and go back to it later. It's the gift that just keeps giving and giving.

  • >So how do I get more trials? Do they have any
    >avatars that look and sound like Ray A?

    I've been operating under the premise that Ray A is already an avatar, representing HR people from Bizarro World.
  • Watch it Frankie Baby... I know people in MO.
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