Taking Christmas out of Christmas

More insanity from the PC thought police..

BETHEL, Wash. — A music teacher's decision to replace "Christmas" with "winter" in a recent concert carol has many residents up in arms.

Music teacher Mark Denison of Clover Creek Elementary School in Bethel, Wash., changed the lyrics in Dale Wood's "Carol from an Irish Cabin" to read: "The harsh wind blows down from the mountains and blows a white winter to me," reported the News Tribune.

Parent Darla Dowell, whose 7-year-old daughter sang the song, told the Tribune the decision was "absurd."


  • 18 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Yes, in order to not offend the minority, we end up offending the majority and look foolish as a result. But, in reality Christmas has become more of a secular holiday anyway. Which is sad.
  • I was just reading the pope in Turkey stated that Islam is a religion of peace, as a way of assuaging the Muslim's hurt feelings over his previous comments ostensibly linking Islam and violence. Of course his previous comments triggered Muslims to go on a destructive rampage including murder. But, they are peaceful. We are convinced...... at knife or gunpoint.

    So, here's my theory, to return the true meaning of Christmas, Christians need to take a page from the Islamic handbook. We shout "Peace on Earth, good will toward men" as we burn down the schools that take Christ out of Christmas while brandishing our AK47s. Hey, maybe kidnap teachers, tie them up, video them with a knife to their throat and force them to confess allegiance to Christian principles and Santa Claus. (Sorry, even tongue-in-cheek I cannot suggest we go as far as murder as do the Islamists.) Then we'll hear Merry Christmas in the stores and unaltered Christmas carols will be sung in our schools and you will see creches outside courthouses.
  • This has got to be one of the stupidest things I've heard of. Everybody knows it's Christmas. Everybody can see the trees in the malls, in the homes, in our downtown park! What, are they going to ban Santa from the mall?
    Do they really think someone is going to sue them because they said "White Christmas"?
    Oh, Oh, I'm not Christian!! They didn't sing about my holiday! I'm so emotionally distressed, only $50,000 can make me feel better!
    I'm agitated today. Can you tell?
  • I will count myself lucky that in my workplace we still call it the "Christmas Party", have school children come in with handmade ornaments, decorate a tree, and have the kids sing Christmas carols. I'm all for diversity and celebrating all the different holidays that occur in December. Bring out the menorah and the Kwanzaa decorations too!

    Merry Chrismakaza...or is it Happy Kwazmakahs? :)
  • I didnt include the rest of the article that went on to say that despite replacing "Christmas" with the word "Winter", there were six references to "Hannakuh" that were not removed.

    Crate and Barrel has prohibited the term "Merry Christmas" from their stores. I wasn't going to buy anything from them anyways but there is one more reason to avoid their overpriced wares.
  • Harumph! Can't have that.... it will offend our peaceful Islamic brethren.
  • I was intrigued by the Crate and Barrel reference and googled it--The company has merchandise described in the company's own literature as Christmas merchandise and has denied that they order their employees not to say "Merry Christmas".

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-30-06 AT 03:26PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I'm partial to Christmahannukwaanzakah....

    I have a pretty defined view on this whole subject due to the fact that I'm Jewish but was raised as a Christian. I get nostalgic when I hear carols, but I also get a little twitchy when the clerk at Target says, "Merry Christmas!" I think we need to keep traditions that are near and dear to each group's holidays active and in place. Singing "White Christmas" along with Bing Crosby pales when you start singing it as "White Holiday." Can you imaging asking Jews to replace "dreidel" with "top" in the dreidel song? "Top Top Top, I made you out of clay..." Not the same.

    I think it's terrible that we try to encroach on each other's traditions and festivities. This is a special time of year for many religions - why not take this opportunity to celebrate our diversity and learn about the religions of the people around you? It just may ameliorate this whole problem of religious intolerance so prevalent in our society...

    Oh I'm sorry, was I on a soapbox? I'm off.

    Happy Whatever your Holiday Is!
  • There was a time that my wife and I did not shop at stores that advertised xmas instead of Christmas. That about eliminates everyone these days.
    With this weather we are having today and tomorrow, I hope we still have our annual "Christmas" parade on Saturday afternoon. I get to drive the vehicle pulling a trailer with Boy Scouts and members of our bank's Kid's Bank Club and the clubs offical mascot.. a 6 1/2 foot squirell. At least I will be sitting on heated seats with the heater blowing hard.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-30-06 AT 04:40PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Dutch, I understand the X part of Christmas is from the Greek meaning Christ. I never let Xmas instead of Xmas bother me anymore as it is all in the eye of the beholder.

    I noticed last weekend when I was shopping at Walmart that no holiday music of any kind was being played. It was all the regular stuff. I have been wondering if it is just that no one got around to changing it, or if it was a decision by the management not to play any in order not to offend anyone. I will be sorely disappointed in them if it is the latter.

    I also noticed that the Salvation Army was not in front of Target again this year. However, our Target anchors a small strip mall. The bell ringer was on the sideawalk of the strip mall, as close to Target as she could get without actually being on their property.

    We have really gone overboard with PC stuff, yet where do you draw the line? Wherever it is, I think we passed it quite awhile back.

  • Thankfully, I have not been in a Wal-Mart store in months... so I can not say what they are playing in these parts. But if I am not mistaken their background music is beamed in from the home office and not a decision at the local level. Having worked for W-M for over 20 years, in another life, I too would be very disappointed to hear that it was a corporate decision not to play holiday/seasonal music. How can you get by without hearing the chipmunks singing about "Want a plane that loops the loop, I still want a hula-hoop...." or "Grandma got runned over by a reindeer", the list can go on and on...
    Best get out of here and see how much ice in on my vehicle and how slick the roads are.
    See ya,

  • I thought I read somewhere that this year Wal-Mart was going back to "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays." Perhaps it's just in central TX - anyone else heard anything about it? Wal-Mart (although an experience in and of itself) just isn't the same without the cheesy piped-in cut of Barry Manilow singing "O Christmas Tree."
  • yes, they are going back to "Merry Christmas". Said they learned their lesson from last year...
  • Actually, Walmart is doing a cross-promotion with the DVD release of "Talladega Nights" and so their greeters have been instructed to wish customers a "Merry 8 lbs 6 ounce Baby Lord Jesus Christmas!!"
  • That movie was hilarious!! The whole Baby Jesus argument....I almost forgot...hee hee
  • Nae,
    My better half ventured out to a Wal-Mart Super Center yesterday and reported that they had Christmas/Seasonal music playing in their seasonal dept. with all the trees, gift wrap etc, but this was on a seperate CD player they had set up. When she checked out the cashier wished her a good evening. Not Happy Hoilidays or Merry Christmas.
  • Ok I have had a huge change of heart over this whole Christmas controversy thing. Sitting in church yesterday, as I listened to "O Holy Night" and other Christmas carols, I realized just how spiritual these songs really are. They tell of Christs birth but also of his redemptive mission to save mankind.

    If Walmart, BestBuy, and the schools have no place for Christmas, maybe that is for the best.

    Perhaps its best if Christmas returns to our churches and places of worship. Perhaps the best place for Christmas is where it was meant to be all along: a quiet place in each human heart.

    Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices!
    O night divine, the night when Christ was born;
    O night, O Holy Night , O night divine!

  • Excellent post Paul. It seems to me that the ethnocentrism of many Christian sects results in rhetoric that brings politics into churches and ultimately causes as many problems as were caused by the object of their rhetoric. I am a Christian but it seems to me many of us have left the admonition of the Bible that we should give alms in secret and to go home and pray in our closet. Thank God we still live in a country where we as well as other religions can do just that. I am fearful that our attitude has beome confrontational to the extent that some believe we must constantly stick it in someone's face. If this attitude becomes pervasive we will then start to lose the wonderful freedoms that we have.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

    MOON in LA
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