
There used to be some posters here that expressed liberal views. What has happened to them? Have they been intimidated until they finally quit posting. It has been many months since I posted but not because of intimidation, in fact I enjoy a lively debate. Since the most recent post to the subject of politics there has been much news that is detrimental to the conservative view, to the GOP and to the President. It seems that the old adage "what goes around comes around" has finally been proven true. It appears that the current administration is getting a dose of what Clinton got while in office. To me it is high time that it happened. There have been scandals, lies, sexual hi-jinks going on in both Parties for years but the thing that has always galded me is how the Republicans have put on the pious act and claimed the high moral ground when they were in fact no different than the other party. It is good that someone has finally had the courage that the little boy had when he commented that the King was naked instead of oohing and aahing about the beautiful rainment.
Moon in LA
Moon in LA
I dont think anyone has been intimidated or run off, at least recently. Some of the old posters have gone elsewhere.
As for your statements, I think its a bit early to say one way or the other but history will eventually judge the current President and his administration.
Don't you thin that both parties put on the pious routine whenever they can?
If you had to vote tomorrow for President, who would you go with?
Bush is a Republican, but in many ways he is not a conservative. He probably is just right of center. Bill Clinton (as opposed to Hillary) was just to the left of center. Not a whole lot of difference between the two men. So, the news is not necessarily detrimental to the conservative view, but it is detrimental to the Republican Party.
The Republicans did go after Clinton unmercilessly when he was in office. Sometimes, I sense that the Bush haters are merely getting their comeuppance. As Paul said, history will tell if Bush's instincts and actions were correct.
Republicans claiming the high moral ground is not necessarily related to personal morality. Being Republican, or any other type of category, doesn't make one more or less susceptible to sin. The high moral ground repubs will claim is more due to their more common opposition to hot topics such as abortion or gay marriage. The opposition is based on their sense of morality.
Bush touted his Christianity from the earliest days of his candidacy. That can be dangerous because people are just waiting for him to fail and pounce on him. I think one of his biggest problems has been those he has selected as advisers.
We are stuck with the current two party system, which isn't necessarily bad. The question is not which party is the most moral, but which party best understands current events and where the world is headed and how we fit in to it (isolationism won't work anymore) thus the question is which party has the best answers to address these concerns.
And Foley is an embarassment to the Republican Party and to the entire political process.
A congressman doesn't simply decide one night to start sending innapropriate e-mails and instant messages to 16 year old boys.
There must be other incidents. I hope that anyone who knew he was a predator (especially given his powerful position) will be held accountable for allowing this to stay secret for so long.
Its no different from the situation with priests. Those who helped cover up are complicit with the abusers.
Here in the Northwest, the Mayor of Spokane was recently ousted for giving government jobs to young men that he was pursuing.
What is wrong with these people? Soliciting underage kids? He has crossed the line and can never go back. "Treatment for alcoholism" my a@#.
And I think it goes both ways.
The reason these slime balls jump into treatment centers is to run away from the real problem and cloak themselves with a socially acceptable "out".