
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-12-06 AT 03:49PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Well election time is drawing near and the political commercials are heating up the airwaves. Even though Hillary is so polarizing, we NY'ers will probably reelect her to a 2nd term in the Senate. A commercial that has been airing recently shows testimonials from common folk around the state gushing about the wonderful job she is doing. One guy tells about his ill son for whom Hillary intervenes seeing that their health insurance is putting a damper on his medical care. He asks in a quavering voice near tears, "how do you thank someone who saved your child's life?" She's a life saver. How can we not reelect her?
Having lived in Arkansas during the Clinton era it is enough to turn anyone into a Republican.
At least I have tried to get something going here, if it fails, so what.
But, enough childishness. Play your little game by yourself. I'm done.
You refer to this as childish. What's going on in the Humor section? A hell of a lot of childishness. So why can't I have my turn?
I'm a paying member here and I can opine on this forum if I like. I'm not playing any games, just posting my thoughts. I guess since the truth gets you hot under the collar, it childish.
As for the imitation, I believe I know what you are implying. I think I've been pretty true to who I am over the last 4-5 years or however long I've been on here. But I cannot control what people think of me. I guess I could if I'd just shut up. Can't do that though.
There have been good discussions here, short and sweet, but people's questions have been answered - they have found what they are looking for. And many of your posts have contributed to that.
I've heard several times an accusation that someone does not contribute serious ideas. It's usually said as a putdown, a way to lessen the other person's credibility. An ad hominem attack. But I've never heard it from you before hence my imitation comment. Because it has been rather dull around here, the majority of my posts actually have been in the employment law section, with the exception of today. In fact, the majority of posts period by everyone on this forum are probably found in the serious sections.
I still hang around because every once in a while I can help someone and because there is still some good humor. Especially you and Larry. Then I get bored, and the trouble begins. I like to push the envelope. I should probably just move on. Who knows.
Or better yet, go over on my fire drill thread, in the serious section, and tell me what you think.
You paid your subscription to this site, why not participate? Your input is great. I dont always agree but like the waiver thread, its good to hear opposing opinions.
We can scrap from time to time. Its all good.
My posts aren't better than anyone's. They just are what they are.
You wrote "Who started the post titled "Politics" anyway? They should stop drivelling. "
You fired the first shot, not Ray.
I know that I have a LOT to learn before I can scrap with the Big Boys here, but just let me say that reading your comments on this thread gave me my first chuckle of the day! Thanks for the laughs. xclap
We're their favorite kind of audience.... STARVED FOR ENTERTAINMENT