Star-Gate Command (SG1)

Any Star-Gate (SG1) fans on the forum besides me? This past Friday was their 200 episode. They even brought back the original star of the show, Richard Dean Anderson, for this one.
My boys had been planning on watching this particular show for weeks. We had everything set up for the entire family to kick back and watch this special episode together and all of a sudden one heck of a thunderstorm comes through this part of the country knocking out our satellite reception for over three hours. We missed the one hour special prior to the show and then the show itself. We even missed the Star-Gate Atlantis episode that followed.
Just wonderning if anyone saw it and if we missed anything extra special?
I realize this isn't reality tv; but we have enjoyed watching it for this past 10 years.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I havent seen that show but I did rent the "Firefly" series on Netflix. Pretty good stuff. Have you seen any of that?
  • We watched it when it first came out on the SciFi channel but didn't stay with it. If I recall correctly (darn senior moments) there were a couple of episodes with content/themes that I did not care for by teenage boys to watch so we moved on to something else.
    Star-Gate SG1 now has a couple of actors from the old FarScape series. With the Richard Dean Anderson out, they are trying to keep it going. This year is their 10th year, the longest running SciFi series yet. (not counting re-runs of Star Trek of course)
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