WW III or more of the same?

There is nothing funny about what is happening right now in the Middle East but I am curious to know what people think about the events of the past week.
World War III or just more turmoil in the Middle East?
Obviously I dont want to see this get any worse but I find it incredulous that the United Nations and other countries have lectured Israel to "use restraint" when defending themselves.
Look on a world map and note the size of Israel compared to the Arab nations that surround her. Many of these nations have publicly sworn themselves to the destruction of Israel. They arent interested in diplomacy, land trades, or peace talks. In the words of the Iranian president, their goal is to "wipe Israel off the map."
These aren't world leaders. They are murderous thugs who use their religion to justify and incite evil.
World War III or just more turmoil in the Middle East?
Obviously I dont want to see this get any worse but I find it incredulous that the United Nations and other countries have lectured Israel to "use restraint" when defending themselves.
Look on a world map and note the size of Israel compared to the Arab nations that surround her. Many of these nations have publicly sworn themselves to the destruction of Israel. They arent interested in diplomacy, land trades, or peace talks. In the words of the Iranian president, their goal is to "wipe Israel off the map."
These aren't world leaders. They are murderous thugs who use their religion to justify and incite evil.
Ask the 6,000,000 Holocost victims about mercy and restraint. Israel will defend itself without restraint and without hesitation....and they won't lose.
I suspect I'm asking an awfully dumb question.