Counterfeiting 101

Here in the Land of 10,000 Ways to Counterfeit a $100 Bill, a local crafstman chose the wrong one. True story:

A man attempting to pay for toilet paper (toilet paper?) at a local Wal-Mart fed a fake $100 bill to the cashier. How did she know it was fake?

1. It had the wrong president's picture on the bill........Abraham Lincoln!

2. Where it was supposed to say "One Hundred", the bill said "Five".

3. It smeared.

Upon being questioned by the cashier as to the authenticity of his "artwork", he quickly tried to pay with real money. By that time the police had arrived, showing interest in the situation.

Now, the guy had the right idea. If you're going to try to pass fake money, do it at Wal-Mart. But toilet paper?!?! A quick review of dead Americans who appear on money wouldn't have hurt either.

Counterfeiting 101.


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