Tour de France

Wondering if anyone else is following the Tour this year since Lance is no longer competing. If you are... I caught something at lunch today about why Jan Ulreich is not competing. They referenced something that happened within 24 hours of the event. Anyone know more about this?
Happy and safe fourth to all...


  • 14 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Ulrich and another lesser rider have been accused of doping. Apparently, the authorities are really starting to clamp down on illegal drugs, but their definition of illegal drugs is stricter than most American professional sports. But, I believe Ulrich and the other rider pulled out of the race (or were convinced by the team and/or sponsors) while the investigation proceeds. Apparently, this opens up the race to most anyone since there are no really big names that the domestiques must assist.

    Greg LeMond has come out and accused Lance Armstrong of blood doping, or at least implied he was guilty of it. I wonder if Bernard Hinault used blood doping?
  • Didn't Hinault leave enough on the pavement yesterday for them to get a good test? I noticed that there are no longer any of those large hands on the sides of the roads today after the incident yesterday when the rider was cut by one of them.
    I guess Lance being out of the tour as made a big difference around here as there is no discussion of the Tour around the ole water fountain this year.
  • Bernard (not sure if I spelled his last name correctly) was dominate in the 70s and until Armstrong won last year he had the most wins. There are no dominate Americans this year, so it seems interest is not as great.
  • I love the Tour and watch it everyday. It is a shame that the doping scandal has broken once again and I was devastated when Ullrich and Basso were pulled as well as the Wurth team with Vinokourov since they were the ones to watch this year. So far it's been a good tour with the performance of Hushovd and Hincapie. It's pretty much up for grabs since there isn't just one dominant rider.

    I'm hoping for an American on the podium on July 23.
  • The Tour won't be as exciting without Basso and Ullrich, but I applaud the cycling community for taking such a firm stand against cheaters. Watching sports is no fun when someone is cheating. (Don't get me started on Barry Bonds.)

    I'll be cheering for Hincapie, but I'll have to learn a whole lot of new names this month.

    James Sokolowski
  • Amazing, Landis won it. The French must be really in a bad mood today. Another American winning *their* race and he can't even speak French except to order beer.
  • Yep... Floyd done good! Especailly after him failing so badly on one day, to turn this around and come back for the win was truly something to watch. And this from a man that is going to have a hip replaced in the near future.
    We will certainly be having tour withdrawal at my house for the next few days. This is something that my entire family enjoyed watching together. Only 11 months 'til they do it all over again.
  • In my opinion these riders are the ultimate athletes. Far surpassing baseball, football, etc. players.

    Congratulations to Floyd and all the other riders in le Tour. Great job and a very exciting race.
  • Wow! Apparently to win the Tour de France you need to have a life-threatening or debilitating illness.

    What a great story!

    Another great sports story was the British Open. Tiger Woods put on a showcase of his mastery of the mental and physical aspects of the game for 18 holes on Sunday.

    Then after his final putt, he went to hug his caddie and broke down, sobbing from emotion.

    Incredible moment...
  • Just read where Landis may have failed a drug test. The confirmatory test results aren't in yet.
  • The headline says he had "high levels" of testosterone.

    I'll stick with my own performance enhancing drug: coffee.
  • ahhhh, coffee. The life-giving elixir.
  • Not to mention Miller Time which will be here in about 6 hours.
  • This really doesn't make sense. With all the focus on Armstrong the recent months and with top riders being ousted just before the tour started, why would anybody risk taking any kind of drugs that could show up and disqualify them? If Landis is guilty, he's also an idiot.
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