NY, NY a Heck of a Town

According to a Reader's Digest poll, NYC is the most polite city. Who'da guessed dat! Check it out...[url]http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13452608/?GT1=8211[/url]
And anyone who disagrees will have to deal with Uncle Guido!
And anyone who disagrees will have to deal with Uncle Guido!
was admin'd by NYC'ers
and only to other NYC'ers!
Cheryl C.
week. I think 9/11 has changed
the impression of the city to the
world but believe me, one thing
you are not going to change
is a New Yorker...not their opinions,
not their mannerisms, not them at
all. They are very proud of their
"New Yorkness!" Sure, they'll give
you directions as they are also
telling you where to go!!!Just don't
get in their way and your ok! As long
as you know how to take them and don't
take them personally, they're ok.
agree with you and Whirlwind
is right that they are always
in a hurry but they love to be
in a hurry...they don't know
anything else but when you are
fighting millions of others
just to get on the subway you
have to be in a hurry BUT even so
they love being the way they are...
it's a New York thing!
I don't and can't really relate, but I'm glad to
know NYC is becoming nicer.
I live in a small town with a traffic circle
for it's main street.
with a population of 176,663 (2004). I don't go
there very often, except to the mall.
Don't get me wrong. I have been in many large
cities including LA, Boston, NYC, Caracas,
Montreal, etc. I can usually get around ok but
I don't like the stress, noise and traffic.
We have well over 100,000 people living here, but the average citizen acts and lives like it is Small Town America. Compared to big cities, we ARE small. But to many of the people living here, this is a big place (and some have never been anywhere bigger).