
We were bought out in 1998. The person doing HR never had a chance to give us our new employee manuals as per our new ownership.
I took over HR in 2001 with absolutely no experience. I couldn't decipher previous HR person's notes, so I got a new copy of the owner company's employee manual and got started.
I submitted it to my boss for approval more than a year later. After another year went by, I had to redo everything. Once again, my boss (who is normally superwoman) had no time to review it and things changed.
3rd time is a charm. This time I submitted it in small pieces to my boss, and then distributed it to employees the same way. The final piece went out today. Hoo-ray!!!! 7-1/2 years after we got new ownership, and 5 years after I took over HR, we finally have a complete employee manual. Now all I have to do is updates. YEAH!!!
Whew! I'll calm down now. Thanks for listening.
I took over HR in 2001 with absolutely no experience. I couldn't decipher previous HR person's notes, so I got a new copy of the owner company's employee manual and got started.
I submitted it to my boss for approval more than a year later. After another year went by, I had to redo everything. Once again, my boss (who is normally superwoman) had no time to review it and things changed.
3rd time is a charm. This time I submitted it in small pieces to my boss, and then distributed it to employees the same way. The final piece went out today. Hoo-ray!!!! 7-1/2 years after we got new ownership, and 5 years after I took over HR, we finally have a complete employee manual. Now all I have to do is updates. YEAH!!!
Whew! I'll calm down now. Thanks for listening.
We too were bought out in 1998.
One thing I added to our policy manual was a policy on adding policies. Read that again and it will make sense.
I felt like policies were being added willy-nilly and we needed something to regulate how policies were created,proposed, and implemented.