
We were bought out in 1998. The person doing HR never had a chance to give us our new employee manuals as per our new ownership.

I took over HR in 2001 with absolutely no experience. I couldn't decipher previous HR person's notes, so I got a new copy of the owner company's employee manual and got started.

I submitted it to my boss for approval more than a year later. After another year went by, I had to redo everything. Once again, my boss (who is normally superwoman) had no time to review it and things changed.

3rd time is a charm. This time I submitted it in small pieces to my boss, and then distributed it to employees the same way. The final piece went out today. Hoo-ray!!!! 7-1/2 years after we got new ownership, and 5 years after I took over HR, we finally have a complete employee manual. Now all I have to do is updates. YEAH!!!

Whew! I'll calm down now. Thanks for listening.



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Congratulations. My boss at corporate is responsible for updating our handbook and it is on our intranet. Every so often, someone will point out to me that the handbook has been updated online and wonder what the changes were. I call my boss and he forgot what they were, of course he doesn't bother to mark them in italics or with an asterisk, like I suggested.

    We too were bought out in 1998.
  • I totally revised our policy manual in 2004. What a great sense of satisfaction and relief. Enjoy it as it lasts only for about a month or two until the first round of revisions.

    One thing I added to our policy manual was a policy on adding policies. Read that again and it will make sense.

    I felt like policies were being added willy-nilly and we needed something to regulate how policies were created,proposed, and implemented.
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