Happy Mom's Day Ladies!

Whether you're a Mom or just act like one, I wish you a comfy, pampered, chocolate-filled Mother's Day!
After my daughter serves me breakfast in bed, I'm planning to curl up on the sofa in my flannel jammies and watch sappy movies with happy endings all day. x:-)
After my daughter serves me breakfast in bed, I'm planning to curl up on the sofa in my flannel jammies and watch sappy movies with happy endings all day. x:-)
I wonder how many "mom" skills cross over into HR.
My 6 year old gave me a cook book that his whole kindergarten class made. Each child wrote a "recipe" and drew the art to go along with it. My child's recipe says "put chocolate chip square dough in the oven. Then the oven melts the chocolate chip dough right into cookies". Not a lot of "from scratch" cooking going on at my house. ;;) It's the time together that counts anyway, right?
The children also wrote "all about my mom". Apparently, I am 7 feet tall, weigh 46 lbs, am 25 years old x:-D , corn dogs are my favorite food, and I don't like to clean the carpet. (One thing is true, I'll let you pick which one!)
When our 3 year old saw my wife getting the vacuum out, she yelled "Hey, mommy, that's not YOURS! That's Daddy's!"
So, that is proof I help out around the house.
And I'm not sure I'd want to be 7' tall OR weigh 46 lbs.
Happy mom's day to everyone! Remember to sleep in on Sunday, and let your spouse/SO do the vacuuming. I'm hoping my children will make me some cookies out of "square" dough. x:9
Don't bother to ask where he got that from. We are clueless.
As predicted, I was served the most delicious breakfast in bed. French Toast with a variety of sliced fresh fruit. I stayed in my jammies until around noon and didn't lift a finger to clean or cook anything all day.
I'd be willing to share the Lindt Chocolate Truffles if they didn't make such a mess in the fax machine.